Saturday, November 17

Week 5

From a minute to a minute and I half last week, this week saw a move from and minute and a half to two minutes. Never in a month of Sundays will I be able to run for 2 minutes. I thought. So worried about it was I, that before my first "public" attempt at it at the club on Tuesday I had a go on Monday. Got myself out of the "I can't" mindset, by trying to just chill, relax and take it easy. Out I went for the 5 warm up walk. Then a light trot really for the one minute, making sure I was very aware of letting everything sort of hang loose and just breathe naturally. That went fine, breathing back to normal and during the minute walk mentally prepared myself for yet another perceived barrier. Again - off I trotted, very relaxed, very easy pace and just tried not to think about what I was doing and how long the time was.... listening to the music and waiting fo........... bloody hell - there's the beep to indicate the end! Wow, incredible - totally surprised myself there! Walked for 2 then a further minute jog and the 5 warm down, which was about 8 back to my starting point. Bit flabbergasted there, thoroughly enjoyed it and absolutely delighted with myself. Tuesday night out with the club was very similar - just chill, relax and almost just let it happen - let your body do the running, not your mind?   Then came Thursday!!! lol - oh my God did that two minutes hit me like a truck?! It felt like about 142 minutes ;-) but again - I have to remember the positives - if you'd said to me at the start of this block, just 4 short weeks ago I'd be running for 12 minutes in total by this week, I'd be looking up the number for those nice young men in their lovely white coats to come and get you.  So, another big step forward, and another step toward my ultimate aim. Well I say that like I actually have an ultimate aim :-) at the moment - I'm just going one step at a time. Which kind of helps for this running caper!!  Sayonara x

Friday, November 9

Task for the weekend

Is to update the spreadsheet which is now hopelessly out of date! Finger out Camp!

Thursday, November 8

The end of week 4

Mixed week really, found the programme really tough going indeed, but the most I'd ever done in one session before though, was a minute. This week the jog/walk timings were 1,1.5 and 1 again. Effectively doubling what I'd ever done before? However, with a lot of huffing and puffing, and at times probably feeling I would be able to walk quicker than I was hirpling along at, in the end up, I managed it. I Think that's about all that can be said about it. I never smashed it, I never aced it, I never once felt "this is shooty in." But, the bottom line for me right now, is that I did it, I managed it and I can type that with a wee sense of satisfaction.

To infinity and beyooooond!!!!!!  as if I've not had enough sci-fi nonsense this week.......  ;-)

Tuesday, November 6

Very difficult tonight

1.5 min for the first time, plus 2x1 minutes as well with the reciprocal amounts of walking in between too. I felt at times like it was never going to end - but it did, and even though I was fair peched at the end, I did it. I'll get there, I know I Will. More nice compliments from folk at work today too - this also helps to keep me going. I'm very much an "under the radar" girl, but it's still nice when folk say that to you

Sunday, November 4

Sunday morning

Up with the lark..... oh how I wish I could be honest and say that at 8am Daniel Boone was reverberating around my head telling me it was a beautiful day. Instead I had mother nature telling me in her own inimitable way that I wasn't built for running. Still, mankind trumps mother nature at some things and a couple of vit c and oil of evening primrose tablets with a half litre of water off I went. I basically just did the jog Scotland programme again. Thanks to T-Mobile through my loyalty to them I now have a spare phone that I can use purely for exercise. So I started my podcast playing, started endomondo and started the hiit trainer set to let me know when each new period started and went and did it.

Again, another barrier overcome, a sniffly nose, a stomach issue and of course, the inbuilt lazyitis that's afflicted me for years didn't stop me doing my bit. 5 weeks today to the Christmas cracker. How much of it Will I be able to run?

Now how does that song go again? Oh yeah......  hey hey hey it's a beautiful day!

Thursday, November 1

So, tonight sees the end of week three

well I think it's week three.  It might be week four, I'm not too sure

That makes 13 weeks in total which is yet another milestone, being a full quarter of a year that I have went out "jogging" for at least 2 nights per week.  Off tomorrow too - so might be able to get out again tomorrow during the day and build it up a wee bit more.

Come sunday it'll be 5 weeks to the jogScotland Christmas Cracker, at which the challenge is twofold.  Firstly, for the first time, I'd like to be able to run for some of it.  And, if doing so allows me to beat the 63 minute time from June, then that's great.  The major incentive just now though, is to get to the stage where I am able to run for the full 5k distance.  Obviously this is not going to be possible at this event, but it will be interesting to see just how much of it I am able to run.   Timings can come at a later stage.