Monday, May 28

Holiday for a week in Spain

Been on holiday so fewer walks etc.  Also managed to lose my phone on holiday, but stuff stored on runkeeper, so will be able to calculate walks.

Went out twice and did 2.5k walks.  Very very very VERY warm though and couldn't really well cope with it.  So 5k there, plus each night was a 0.9k walk to the pub and a 0.9k walk back again.  So over 7 nights that is 6.3k.  Came back on the friday night and went round my local loch on saturday morning.  Really struggled very much to go round once, never mind twice, but it was very warm again.  Saturday was Edinburgh and a bit of walking around at the marathon on the Sunday.  That was very very inspirational as the weather was horrendously warm, they are running 26 miles and I'm greeting about WALKING a mere 5k??

Back to work tomorrow and will do a 5k tomorrow night, then a 5k on Thursday and Friday nights, then the race itself on Sunday.  Nervous as hell. Panicking that I won't do it.  The weather is meant to be much worse next weekend, which suits me just fine, the cooler the better for a fat frump like me :-) Tomorrow will tell me a lot.  After the walk on Sunday, next target I think is to RUN a 5k, so it'll be back to the treadmill again for the interval training.

Tuesday, May 15

A birthday

Family birthday tonight - so out for a carvery meal, but walked along to my pal's house after it. It's a fairly gentle walk, except for a chunk of t which is uphill that nearly killed me lol.  Ok so a tad hyperbolic, but that's what it felt like at times - however - I did it without stopping despite feeling like doing so many times. Here's what I posted to runkeeper

wow. that was hard, moodiesburn to muirhead. a lot of it uphill. did it without stopping

Monday, May 14

Walk to next village

Had something to do for a pal tonight, so instead of driving, I walked it. 3.3k a lot of it uphill and.I did it without stopping. Don't get me wrong,  I felt like it, umpteen times, but I carried on. Augurs well for the race day, wee change from lapping the loch too, albeit not 5k. Total now stands at 62k in total. I'm well chuffed :-) x

Saturday, May 12

Another 5k this morning

Think I'm going to change from runkeeper, I'm not sure it's tracking the distance properly. Might go for map my run and see if it's any better. As for me, today, I feel great. This time next week I'll be on my holidays so I'll be trying to do a wee bit of walking while I'm away, as I know I can use runkeeper. Meantime - before I go in 6 days time - the target is 3 more 5ks.

Thursday, May 10

Walking with mother

Tonight, so only once around the loch, she wouldn't manage twice around. Twice tomorrow night for me tho, and again on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Then nothing til Tuesday and again on Thursday, then it's my holiday. am intending to be doing some walking over there to keep me going. Only a week between my return and the race. Am starting to get really really nervy! :-)

Monday, May 7

Same as Saturday again today

Except it seems that this time it was 6.24k in 1.10.  Same course, same time, 1.25k more? Something's wrong somewhere! I guess I'll do it again in another 2 days time and see what happens then. However - in the meantime, bring it on!! :-) :-) :-) x

Saturday, May 5

My first 5k!

In a time of 1.09 absolutely ecstatic!! And all before 10am. Bloody brilliant. What a buzz and what a boost :-) :-) :-)

Friday, May 4

Another lap of the loch

2.1k round the loch again, this time with the dog - who would you believe - slowed me down lol!! Who'd have thought that when I started?  so I'm going to come back tomorrow morning early doors and do it twice. Managing that will make me feel brilliant :-) maybe I'm not as bad as I thought I was, or maybe I'm mentally stronger? Either way - I feel much better tonight x

Thursday, May 3

I fear

I am not mentally strong enough for this. I hope I am wrong. If I do manage to do this, it will give me such confidence!!

Struggled again tonight

Not sure if it's the heat just now with the heating on and warm outside, but I also know I don't know how to eat properly. I don't eat anywhere near enough, which might sound surprising for someone as overweight as I am. only did 30 minutes at 4kph :-( Anyway - treadmill goes back on Sunday, so from next week - twice round the loch 3 times a week is the target for the next 5 weeks til the race. Twice round the loch is 5k so next 4 weeks will be all about getting myself under the hour for 2 laps so I don't embarrass myself any more than I already will by finishing last! God help me!! :-(