Monday, May 28

Holiday for a week in Spain

Been on holiday so fewer walks etc.  Also managed to lose my phone on holiday, but stuff stored on runkeeper, so will be able to calculate walks.

Went out twice and did 2.5k walks.  Very very very VERY warm though and couldn't really well cope with it.  So 5k there, plus each night was a 0.9k walk to the pub and a 0.9k walk back again.  So over 7 nights that is 6.3k.  Came back on the friday night and went round my local loch on saturday morning.  Really struggled very much to go round once, never mind twice, but it was very warm again.  Saturday was Edinburgh and a bit of walking around at the marathon on the Sunday.  That was very very inspirational as the weather was horrendously warm, they are running 26 miles and I'm greeting about WALKING a mere 5k??

Back to work tomorrow and will do a 5k tomorrow night, then a 5k on Thursday and Friday nights, then the race itself on Sunday.  Nervous as hell. Panicking that I won't do it.  The weather is meant to be much worse next weekend, which suits me just fine, the cooler the better for a fat frump like me :-) Tomorrow will tell me a lot.  After the walk on Sunday, next target I think is to RUN a 5k, so it'll be back to the treadmill again for the interval training.

1 comment:

  1. ok, after reassessing maths skills, it is actually 12.6k for the nightly walks to the pub lol
