Sunday, June 3

The BIG day

Really really nervous today, petrified of either not finishing, or finishing last.  Left ridiculously early parked, panicked for an hour or so before it, stood at the start line far too long and panicked some more

Finally started then had to control the urge to start racing people, and just keep to my own pace.  All was going well, kept my head down and concentrated on no one or nothing around me, just kept going and kept time by my music.  Then I made the mistake of lifting my head and paying attention to what was going on, I had thought due to where we were on the course we were nearing the end.  Sadly when I looked up I saw the 3k flag.  I thought we were further in.  Knuckled down again and finally turned into the park again.  So then I thought, right, that must mean we're near the end and lifted my head again.  Similar mistake as I saw the 4k flag!  Damn, still another K to go!  Back on with the music and down with the head again, then finally the finishing line appeared.  Round the corner and  a wee hill and that was me, I had done it! Was a very emotional moment indeed, I surprised myself.  Delighted to collect my wee medal.  It's not exactly an Olympic gold, but it means  a lot to me.  Sore feet aside, I'm ecstatic.  And thank you Emily for freezing yer icicles off to stay with me xx

So....... is this the end of the blog?  Or is it just the beginning of the next chapter now??

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