Tuesday, September 25

what a difference a day makes?

Still drookit, still frezin, but slightly less knackered.  JogScotland night tonight and once again they are brilliant with me.  Felt a good bit easier tonight - maybe the lamp posts are helping.  Bring on the lamp posts!!! :D

Monday, September 24

Drookit, freezin an knackered!

So, I guess this is good?  Lamp posts tonight - 2.61K in 32 minutes. It actually felt a little bit easier - which I suppose given the weather is a good think.

Still really, really, REALLY struggling with the eating part - always feeling bloated and with a huge belly to cart about.  Still - I gess I keep going and get thru the autumn then winter.  Then we'll see what happens in the spring and summer.

Week 8 of 10 of the jog Scotland programme starts tomorrow night too - so we'll see how that goes.  Then phase two and the second 10 week block.  I guess I have to keep reminding myself how far I've come when I feel like this.

Monday, September 17

Wee walk tonight

3.5K tonight in 37 minutes, up and down hill for most of it so quite pleased with that. Again without stopping, although I guess I shouldn't really be celebrating that any more lol. #expectationsraised ;-)

Friday, September 14

So week 6 over.....

Mostly jogging and walking, no body pump at all this week, as I feel I'm struggling a wee bit with the jogging. Not much, just a wee bit more than I should be, but again I also think that might be down to eating too.  I know I'm not eating the right things, as sometimes I really feel bloated when running.  Real real problems over the last 4 weeks with the PCOS too.  That in itself is very draining, so not eating correctly will also not help it.  So anyway - this week has consisted of a walk on sunday, lamp posts on monday, jogscotland tue and thur and not very much today :D  Had a day off work, so caught up on housework/washing and then spent most of the day at my mum and dads.  Tomorrow morning, I'll either do the lamp posts, or I'll walk from the house, right round the long way past the gym and then back along the main road.  If i do the walk - I'll also do it on Sunday morning too.

Finally - I also entered another 5K this week.  The jogscotland Santa dash on 9th December.  Thought about doing one in Edinburgh on my birthday the Sunday before, but it looked a wee bit too serious for me. I'm still at the fun run stage.  With the term run being used extremely loosely lol.  Big thank you to my good pal Steph, who normally runs marathons for fun, but is coming along to run this with me and help me along.  I'll be following the jog scotland programme, whatever stage I'm at by then.  The only 2 things I want to achieve from this race however, is 1) to finish it and 2) to beat 63 minutes, my PB

Sunday, September 9

a walk today

Went for a walk.  Was tasked with going for a 20 minute walk, but thought - I'll walk right rond teh scheme because that should take me about half an hour.  I walked right round teh scheme - it's 1.5k.  And it took me........ precisely 21 minutes and 52 seconds.  Absolutely delighted.  This definitely shows it is working. Would never have said it would only have taken me 20 minutes for that.  Despite the wee mini neds following me doing the Laurel and Hardy music and saying it was an earthquake every step I took.  We c@nts couldn't have been any more than 10.

Saturday, September 8

Week 5 over!

Never booked body pump tonight, so I discovered a bit late lol, so instead I took myself off lampposting! Walked for 5 minutes warm up, then did the lampposts til the roundabout and back again. Total time 30 minutes, total distance 2.5k. Warm up/down time was obviously then 10 minutes which meant a 20 minute walk/jog time. If it was half and half, then I guess I did 10 minutes running tonight!! Result! Same again on Sunday, and body pump is definitely booked for Monday night ;-)

Thursday, September 6

What a difference a day makes!

Very down, very low tonight.  Did the same as Tuesday, but felt every single step was an almighty struggle, felt like I cold have stopped within minutes of starting, and felt like I wanted to just cry.

Why? No idea. Absolutely none. Roll on tomorrow - for it is another day

Wednesday, September 5

I love waking up on a wednesday....

Day off training today.  Night of relaxing, watching tv and generally not doing very much.  Canny beat it :D

Tuesday, September 4

Didn't realise how long it was since I'd posted..

So since the last post - week 4 has come and gone.  I've missed one night of body pump, on Friday night, due to a night out, but made everything else.  And made all targets set.  again..... it's getting boring now eh?? lol NOT!!  Really chuffed with what I'm doing.  Realise now it's going to be a much longer road than I thought, but I'm up for it.  December 2nd 5K now looking dodgy - but I'll see as I get nearer the time.

Tonight's run was 1.37K in 18 minutes.
5 min warm up then
1x 1 min jog, 25 sec walk,
2x35 sec jog with 25sec walks in between,
1x40 sec jog, 20 sec walk, and
2x35 sec jog with 25 sec walk in between and then
5 min warm down walk.

Got a new plan for the rest of the weeks - so something to aim for and I'm also planning on one of the weekend days doing the "lamp posts" outside the house.  That is 2.5k - I'll be doing the 5 minute warm up and down walks, then alternating rnning/walking between the remaining lamp posts.  Lets see how that goes.

At the weekend there, I was out - and got a few lovely comments about how great I was looking and how much weight I was losing.  That's most definitely a booster for me. Also folk at work that I haven;t seen for a wee while - a lot are saying "you look great, have you been on holiday?!"  They can't qite pt their finger on what's different about me.  Which suits me just fine, as I'm very much an "under the radar" type girl.  Even my own family were stunned when I showed them my "before and after" photo on my twitter account.  Because they are seeing me every day, they were obviously aware of my body shape changing, but were astounded at photographic evidence of the difference.  It's all good so far.  I really, really hope I can keep this going this time, although I really do think I will somehow ;-)

Will keep it low key all the way though