Friday, September 14

So week 6 over.....

Mostly jogging and walking, no body pump at all this week, as I feel I'm struggling a wee bit with the jogging. Not much, just a wee bit more than I should be, but again I also think that might be down to eating too.  I know I'm not eating the right things, as sometimes I really feel bloated when running.  Real real problems over the last 4 weeks with the PCOS too.  That in itself is very draining, so not eating correctly will also not help it.  So anyway - this week has consisted of a walk on sunday, lamp posts on monday, jogscotland tue and thur and not very much today :D  Had a day off work, so caught up on housework/washing and then spent most of the day at my mum and dads.  Tomorrow morning, I'll either do the lamp posts, or I'll walk from the house, right round the long way past the gym and then back along the main road.  If i do the walk - I'll also do it on Sunday morning too.

Finally - I also entered another 5K this week.  The jogscotland Santa dash on 9th December.  Thought about doing one in Edinburgh on my birthday the Sunday before, but it looked a wee bit too serious for me. I'm still at the fun run stage.  With the term run being used extremely loosely lol.  Big thank you to my good pal Steph, who normally runs marathons for fun, but is coming along to run this with me and help me along.  I'll be following the jog scotland programme, whatever stage I'm at by then.  The only 2 things I want to achieve from this race however, is 1) to finish it and 2) to beat 63 minutes, my PB

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