Monday, December 24

It's that mental barrier again - amazing!

It's amazing how just getting over one single mental barrier gives you hope?  So for almost 3 weeks I just could not get over that 2.5 min barrier.  Then I eventually managed the 2x2.5s last week (twice ;-) )

So this week's task is 5w, 2j, 2w, 3j, 5w.  So there's another big jump - THREE MINUTES.  I was up early this morning so decided - let's do this - let's get it over and done with and then I'll know where I am.  So off I went at a nice wee trot when the first running bit beeped.  2 minutes, no problem.  But I knew I could do that, so no credit for myself just yet lol.  2w and I turned to head back as the HIIT programme beep, beep, beeped at me to start running for 3.  What were you all worried about??  Eh??  lol  I managed the three minutes with few issues to be absolutely honest, and even had enough energy at the end to jump and punch the air as if I'd just scored the winning goal for Scotland in a world cup final........ ok so that might be a LITTLE far fetched ;-)  However - same again tomorrow morning (dependent on how the head is after tonight) again on Thursday and Saturday, and then Monday I can move on to next week's task.  No idea what that is yet, I just want to concentrate on getting this 2 min/3min down pat first.

See you all tomorrow xx

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