Thursday, January 10

I am not Usain Bolt

Clearly this will not be news to most of you.  However, I have just realised this.

I'm NOT Usain Bolt...........
I'll never be Usain Bolt...........

So why have I been taking off like I've been taking him on the Olympic 100m final?  Over the Christmas period our jogScotland group is off, but some of them have still been meeting up on the Tues/Thur/sat.  However I've not been meeting up with them, purely because I'm in a wee group on my own and during the blocks it's ok to "expect" someone to come out with me, but during their own time, I wouldn't expect that.  So I've hooked up the headphones, updated my old Spandau Ballet records and put them onto mp3, dug out my leg warmers and went out to pound the pavements on my own.

In doing this I have felt calm, chilled, and able to do ANYTHING! I happily went from 2 to 4 minutes in 2 weeks having struggled so much with the 2.5s.  And I'm happil going to attempt something different on Saturday morning, or maybe even tomorrow morning.  So why am I so chilled relaxed and calm running myself?  I can certainly state that it's not through any pressure from the jog leaders to run any faster.  Indeed they are at great pains to tell me to run at my own pace and run behind me.

So what then?  He he - it's got to me hasn't it?  Just when I thought I'd got over ONE mental barrier - here's another bloomin one!! It's me putting pressure on myself again running at a pace I think that they think I should be running at........  (I think that's right lol)

Anyway - whether it's right or it's wrong, that's far too much thinking right there! So this week I've went on Tuesday and Thursday and just run.  Nothin else - don't care how slow it is, don't care whether I'm keeping anybody back, just running.  And I have thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it, instead of trying to count every minute of it.  So why didn't I do THAT from the start??  Jings - I'm my own worst enemy sometimes :D

And to prove how relaxed I am now - here is a pic of me with the rest of the jogScotland group - just at the end of tonight's session ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elaine,

    We are really impressed by your willingness.

    We created JoggBox, a subscription box for runners. I invite you to go on the website : and like the facebook page :

    We planned to launch the box this summer. Thus, we will be glad to support you in reaching your goals with JoggBox.

    Have a good run,

