Wednesday, May 15

A chilled wee run tonight

Tonight I decided to follow my good friend Steph's advice....... shhhhh can you hear that??  That's the sound of Steph shouting "THANK FFFF.... goodness for that - at long last!"

Tonight I, again, couldn't be bothered, but following a lovely wee chat with one of the managers on leaving the office, and publicly announcing I was going home to go for a run, I felt I had to do just that.  So before I could let me change my mind, I ran upstairs, changed into the running gear and got myself plugged in to the muzak and out the door.

I'm still in turmoil over how far, how long and what frequency to run each length for...... etc etc etc - so tonight - Steph - I heard your words ringing in my ear - "just go out and RUN and enjoy it" So that's exactly what I did.  I walked my 5 minute warm up and decided I was going to run until I couldn't run any further, or til I got to the roundabout, whichever came first.  No pressure. Just run. I made it to the roundabout - clocked the time on Endomondo and walked for 3 minutes.  Then I ran all the way back to the lamp post where I started running after my 5 minute warm up. 

When I checked the lap times - believe it or not - the first run clocked at a few seconds over 10 minutes.  And I felt fine.  The second run clocked at just under 8 minutes.  Walked my 5 ish minutes back tot he house, did my stretches and dinner now smells awesome.

Steph. I can never repay you for all the times you are at the end of a phone/text/email to listen to my latest wailings on this hugely mentally challenging journey with a cheery, encouraging, positive response, but hey - baby steps - I am at least now heeding your advice at long (long) last!!


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