Monday, August 12


You know, it's been a right struggle recently. I don't know why. I could cite worries about family health, money, work, friends, relationships, any one of which could be to blame. I could blame my loss of focus on having been on the holiday that for so much of last year I was targeting as a progress checkpoint. I could blame my often fluctuating mental health, I could even blame the weather....  well I'm British aren't I? Don't we always talk about the weather.....?  ;-)

Yeah I could pick any or all of those as being the reason why my fitness journey....... my blogging......... my progress....... have all stalled.  And I would be right. Whichever one I picked, at whatever given time, in my head.......... I would be right.  

I changed my facebook profile picture this morning to one taken yesterday that I really liked. And tonight, I had cause to look for another, older, photo. While doing so, I came across one which captured how I used to appear to others.  It struck me that the difference between this picture and the one I liked from yesterday was startling. I could not get out of my head how much happier, healthier and more alert I looked in the photo from yesterday. 

But for me the biggest difference was that one wee tiny part in the first sentence of that last paragraph " that I really liked..... " I honestly could not count the number of years that I have avoided cameras, or that I dreaded seeing pictures of me, or that I did not feel a stab of utter embarrassment each time I actually DID have to look at a photo of me.  But today? And the half dozen or so photos, taken of me yesterday? I'm happy to look at them, I'm proud to say "that's me in those photos" and I'm happy to show them to others.

But, most of all, looking at the comparison below, I look forward to seeing the one on the right being the "before" photo! I look forward to seeing what the next stage in this fantastic journey is about to look like. 

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