Monday, April 30

Oh my God!

Back to it tonight - bloody hell that was hard!!!  Really really really struggled tonight - but I guess that's what I get for not doing very much other than a few short walks since last week.  34 days today - Finger out time I tink!!

Thursday, April 26

Haven't done anything this week

Not since Monday. Can't get out of the bit. Hate having to plot my way round every bloody penny. It's a nightmare. I've come too far to chuck it all in tho. I'll be back :-(

Monday, April 23

Feel great this morning

For a Monday! Hoping to start my new hours at work soon, which gives me every second Friday off, but means I need to start at 8am every other morning. On lovely sunny mornings like this it's quite easy to get up - the horrible mornings will be a tester? Was very active yesterday, so tomorrow will be very very stiff I think lol. Getting my playlist together for my 5k too, picking out some uplifting "keep me going" tunes. About an hour's worth, think it'll take me that long for the first one. Oh well.... hi hooooo :-)

Sunday, April 22

Friday and Sunday again

Rounds 2 and 3 respectively of my 45 second running routine.  Friday night and sunday morning.  If you'd said that to me a few months ago I'd have laughed at you.  Hiring the treadmill was the correct decision - it lets me run without feeling self conscious about it.  I'll pay for another 4 weeks I think - even though one of those weeks will be my holiday week.  This morning I was inspired by the London marathon runners - this time last year I was there - but waiting on someone finishing as opposed to running it lol.  Maybe one day........

Wednesday, April 18

Phase 2 of my own wee routine

.... to try and catch up with the start of the NHS programme.

Moved up to 45 seconds jogging from 30 seconds.  So now 8 x 45 seconds jogging and 8 x 1.5 minutes walking, with 5 minutes either side warm p and warm down

initial reaction??  A THINK AHM DEID!!

Sunday, April 15

Sunday evening at 8pm and....

..... instead of lounging on the couch watching NCIS - I did my treadmill half hour and feel great!

Thanks Steph for the virtual boot up the jacksie - even though you had no idea you did lol :-) xx

Saturday, April 14

50 days to go, it's Saturday and a cooked breakfast

Wee treat today. The day off day on thing is really working I have to say. Much more energy and am now running for 5 of my 26 minute regime. So 20% of my time is running. Incredible - I'd never have thought that when I started. More confident now that I can do it.

Friday the 13th :-)

And what a great day.  Made the programme - now 1.6k per half hour and feeling great.  think I'm back on track and on course to get the 5k done within the half hour.

Wednesday, April 11

So - back to it

Decided to put the "down" mood behind me and revisit the training regime.

The nhs couch to 5k is too taxing right now - and my own one is getting easier by the day.  Therefore I have met in the middle.  My own one was 2.5 mins w/u then 5x0.5 mins running and 5x1.5 mins walking, with 2.5 mins warm down, making 15 minutes in total.  The NHS one was 5 minutes warm up then 8x1 min running and 8 x 1.5 min walking, with 5 mins warm down.  SO I've went for a bit of a hybrid of

5 mins w/u
8 x 0.5 mins running
8 x 1.5 mins walking
5 mins w/d

 making 26 minutes in total.  Tried it tonight and felt magic.  Will try to do this every 2 days this week, so Tues/Thurs/ Sat/ Mon.  Then revisit it next week on Wednesday.

Monday, April 9

I can't do this

I took Saturday and Sunday off for the Easter weekend.  Never ate chocolate or anything daft like that - bt today I'm really really struggling.  The NHS couch to 5K is still too tough for me.  It's pointless demoralising myself continuing to do it.  And I also struggled to get my own wee 15 minute one done.  I must read up on eating properly - in order to get more energy.  I had a cereal bar half an hour before it, and a bowl of cereal after it.  I can't be doing this properly.  Long long LONG way to go.

A wee step backwards this weekend :(

Sunday, April 8

Day off yesterday

Few drinks with a pal, and a wee day off from the regime. Back on it today though - feeling surprisingly ok. No treadmill work I don;t think - think I'll walk over to my mum's for dinner instead. It's a hell of a walk though - up hills and it's about 4miles? Wish me luck!!

Friday, April 6


easy peasy??

Well, ok, maybe a wee touch of hyperbole, but certainly easiER, put it that way.

Just over 12 hours since I nearly killed myself doing the NHS couch to 5k first episode last night, I did my own wee one at 7:45am this morning.  It was very gentle compared to last night, and... well perhaps it was psychological, but I definitely found it slightly easier.  

I'll upload my spreadsheet to google docs and we can keep an eye on it together :-)

Thursday, April 5

ok - time to reflect

Started the NHS couch to 5k tonight.  Have I bitten off more than I can chew?

Halfway through that task I would have said yes.  Now having had time to get my breath back, and reflect on, what is after all, still under a week since I started, I have to say - no I didn't.  I CAN do this.

But it's definitely not going to be easy.  The NHS couch to 5K is 8 x 1 minute running and 8 x 1.5 minutes walking, plus 2 x 5 minutes warm up and warm down.  This is WAY, WAY more than I did on my own wee sets, so, even though I didn't manage the last minute of running, I have to be happy with progress so far.

Total distance covered today was 1.83 km in 30 minutes, with, of course - the all important SEVEN minutes of running in there.

Overall quite positive, but a little disappointed, if I'm being honest.  And also if I'm being honest, I know it's necessary disappointment too!!


So today after work

.....i'm going to be doing day one of this The NHS couch to 5k programme

This is a 9 week programme, and I have 8 and a bit weeks to the race. So I may not finish the entire programme, but it is a 20 minute programme, only meant to be done 3 times per week, so on the other days I'll continue to do my own wee 15 minute programme, and I think that should be enough to get me over the line on June 3rd.

Anyway - it's too much to hope for to be able to run the entire 5k on the day, for my first attempt........ isn't it?? 

Wednesday, April 4

Day Five in a row!

And all before 8am again!! 15 minutes done again.  Raised the walking 1.5 minutes to 3.5 this time and up to 0.9 from 0.8 (I think it's kilometres) distance.  So 5k time looking at 1hr 15 just now.  I would like to half that time by 3rd June.

However - let's not walk before we can run - metaphorically lol

Tuesday, April 3

08:16am and I'm sitting down to my cereal...

....having done the 15 minute workout.  Sometimes I felt as though I was asleep though, I was very tired this morning.  I have to say the treadmill in the house is helping, as I don't think I wold have got up, got dressed  and walked anywhere this morning, or any of the other mornings so far to be honest?

if I manage this every day until Sunday, on Sunday I'll be putting the  running bit up to a minute I think.  Maybe lol.  I'll see how I go, it's not easy for me!

Anyhow - still focussing on the positives - that's 4 mornings in a row.  I think the most I have EVER done! woooo hoooo

Monday, April 2

Wow that was hard

7:15am start this morning - but all 15 minutes of the workout done.  But that was hard going!!

Another milestone reached though - 3 days in a row of the workout.  I'm keeping it going!

Sunday, April 1

Wow - 8am!!

Who'da thunk it?  Certainly no me anyway that's for sure. 

Done my Sets workout early today as working at 9.  Feel great, if a bit knackered and confused that I'm up so early and exercised already on a Sunday lol :-)

It was hard - but I guess that's to be expected as this is the second day in a row I've done this, and that's now in total 5 minutes of jogging in two days.  Which will sound like absolutely nothing to most of you, but, believe me, is a huge achievement for me!!