Thursday, April 5

ok - time to reflect

Started the NHS couch to 5k tonight.  Have I bitten off more than I can chew?

Halfway through that task I would have said yes.  Now having had time to get my breath back, and reflect on, what is after all, still under a week since I started, I have to say - no I didn't.  I CAN do this.

But it's definitely not going to be easy.  The NHS couch to 5K is 8 x 1 minute running and 8 x 1.5 minutes walking, plus 2 x 5 minutes warm up and warm down.  This is WAY, WAY more than I did on my own wee sets, so, even though I didn't manage the last minute of running, I have to be happy with progress so far.

Total distance covered today was 1.83 km in 30 minutes, with, of course - the all important SEVEN minutes of running in there.

Overall quite positive, but a little disappointed, if I'm being honest.  And also if I'm being honest, I know it's necessary disappointment too!!


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