Saturday, March 31

First treadmill shot!!

Devised my own couch to 5k plan to ease me in gently, based on the ones you can get online and in apps.

15 minutes total

Warm up
walk - three minutes - 2.5

Main sets routine
Jog - 30 seconds - 6.0
Walk 90 second - 3.0
Do this 5 times

Warm down
Walk - 1 minute - 2.5
Walk - 1 minute - 1.5

Total = 15 minutes

Did first shot at it today - felt really knackered after the sets part, but made it.  Felt great when I did finish it though - think that's the first time I have ran in years!!

Brilliant :-)

Rangers legends v AC Milan Glorie

Night "off" last night, in that there was no walking round the loch.  But instead of taking the car to the football, I went by public transport, which meant walking from the bus to the pub for dinner, then back up to the subway. (probably about 3/4 of a mile)  Then up and down stairs in the station, the walk from the subway into the Stadium, and up to the upper stand row T - which was a climb and a half!  Had to do this 3 times too!!  Then the whole thing back again.  So definitely not an inactive night off. Did have a couple of drinks though, but I guess that's allowed occasionally Thoroughly enjoyed not puffing and panting as per usual everywhere I walked.  Awesome!! 

Awaiting the treadmill delivery now.  Strangely - for the first time, I actually feel like I could run!!

Thursday, March 29

Decision time

So once round, again without stopping. Similar time to last night 31 minutes for 2.1k. Struggled a wee bit more tonight than last night, kept getting distracted by folk passing me and attempted to keep pace with them, thus by the time I got to the car again I was feeling it. Positives are - 2 nights in a row over 2k, sunny weather so a lot harder. Treadmill arrives Saturday so will help with stamina. 2 full months left to get to doing double this distance. Can I do it?? OF COURSE I BLOODY CAN. as pink keeps telling me on the way round -. I'm "fuckin perfect!" Second lap binned, will wash the car instead :-)

Another lovely morning

8am and just about to leave for work. Not been for any walking yet or anything, will leave that til later. Just wanted to post that I feel absolutely brilliant, and I'm sure that it's totally down to the walking.

Wednesday, March 28

My week so far

Monday 26th March, worked til half 6, then when I got home my dad was waiting for me, needing me to do something for him. Only managed 10 minutes on the vibro plate

Tuesday 27th - mum's for dinner and playing out the back with the weans. Think the walking is easier!! No figures for tonight except half an hour of football with Ryan, putting up a tent and generally mucking about!

Tonight - Wednesday. Right round the loch without stopping - felt like stopping a few times but carried on as I was determined to make it! It was the busiest it's been because it was a lovely night, but people in general are quite nasty. The joggers etc that were out in all weathers gave me a wee smile, or a nod, or a "gaun hen" but tonight with "ordinary" folk it was awful. I could see folk smirking and sniggering as I passed. But fuck them - when I do the race for life I'll be walking round the loch with my medal round my neck and my middle finger firmly extended in their direction!!  x

Friday, March 23

March 23rd

Missed 5 days, although I did some vibro plate stuff in between

Feeling very bloated and a bit down today, having felt great all along the journey so far. Today is, I guess, the first of many blips

Here's my reaction after a 2k walk in 31 minutes

fucked. that was hard. must get back tomorrow morning first thing. this is less than half the distance I need to get to for June. stopped twice. long long way to go metaphorically. but still overall positive. I can definitely do this. it's only been a fortnight :-) :-)

Carrying on from where I left off

March 18th 2012, almost 2 miles in 42 minutes

My reaction on my app again, immediately after

I did double this distance - the GPS was playing up - see previous entry. Total distance would then be 1.9 miles in 42 minutes 29 seconds

The best yet!!

Did entering the race for life spur me on?

Who knows, but tonight (16th March) I completed the furthest distance so far, 3 miles in 57.25 minutes

Here was my reaction immediately afterwards on my app :-)

missed counting a bit in the middle forgot to turn it back on after one of my many pauses!! that was 3 miles - or 5 k!!! fuck me I bloody did it. I can fucking do this in 3 months time. I can fucking do it!!!

The raison d'etre has just arrived :-)

Today I entered my local "Race for Life"

Absolutely no idea why. But I have less than 80 days to be able to be ready for it.

Can I do it? We're about to find out in a very very public way!

Activity March 13th 2012

Walked just under a mile at lunchtime in work

hard - first bit Mega uphill but bloody hell I did it! one pause on the way up. distance a lot longer than it showed - probably almost a mile - gps was playing up!

Report of activity 12/03/2012

March 12th 2012

Walked 1.46 miles in 48 minutes

Felt ok, wandered along the main road, back round the graveyard and home.

No further comments on my app

The race for MY life

So - it's time to put this all down in print, instead of just on runkeeper.

I'm 40. I'm overweight. I need to something about it.

I've tried everything. And I mean everything. Scottish Slimmers lighterlife, DietChef, the egg diet, the cabbage diet, the tuna diet, the Cambridge Diet, the GI diet, slimfast, this pill, that pill, weightwatchers, healthy eating, the gym, body pump, walking, boxing, cycling, swimming. In fact, you name it, I've had a go at it. And failed at it.

So what's different this time? I don't know. Maybe nothing. Maybe everything. But I'm documenting this to try and a) keep me sane and b) motivate me.

I'll post my thoughts I've been keeping offline as the first few posts to get me started, until I catch up with tonight's events.