Friday, March 23

The race for MY life

So - it's time to put this all down in print, instead of just on runkeeper.

I'm 40. I'm overweight. I need to something about it.

I've tried everything. And I mean everything. Scottish Slimmers lighterlife, DietChef, the egg diet, the cabbage diet, the tuna diet, the Cambridge Diet, the GI diet, slimfast, this pill, that pill, weightwatchers, healthy eating, the gym, body pump, walking, boxing, cycling, swimming. In fact, you name it, I've had a go at it. And failed at it.

So what's different this time? I don't know. Maybe nothing. Maybe everything. But I'm documenting this to try and a) keep me sane and b) motivate me.

I'll post my thoughts I've been keeping offline as the first few posts to get me started, until I catch up with tonight's events.

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