Wednesday, March 28

My week so far

Monday 26th March, worked til half 6, then when I got home my dad was waiting for me, needing me to do something for him. Only managed 10 minutes on the vibro plate

Tuesday 27th - mum's for dinner and playing out the back with the weans. Think the walking is easier!! No figures for tonight except half an hour of football with Ryan, putting up a tent and generally mucking about!

Tonight - Wednesday. Right round the loch without stopping - felt like stopping a few times but carried on as I was determined to make it! It was the busiest it's been because it was a lovely night, but people in general are quite nasty. The joggers etc that were out in all weathers gave me a wee smile, or a nod, or a "gaun hen" but tonight with "ordinary" folk it was awful. I could see folk smirking and sniggering as I passed. But fuck them - when I do the race for life I'll be walking round the loch with my medal round my neck and my middle finger firmly extended in their direction!!  x

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