Saturday, March 31

Rangers legends v AC Milan Glorie

Night "off" last night, in that there was no walking round the loch.  But instead of taking the car to the football, I went by public transport, which meant walking from the bus to the pub for dinner, then back up to the subway. (probably about 3/4 of a mile)  Then up and down stairs in the station, the walk from the subway into the Stadium, and up to the upper stand row T - which was a climb and a half!  Had to do this 3 times too!!  Then the whole thing back again.  So definitely not an inactive night off. Did have a couple of drinks though, but I guess that's allowed occasionally Thoroughly enjoyed not puffing and panting as per usual everywhere I walked.  Awesome!! 

Awaiting the treadmill delivery now.  Strangely - for the first time, I actually feel like I could run!!

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