Tuesday, July 31

saw a challenge on jog Scotland earlier

60miles in August. Now - this was a challenge to see who could clock up 60miles first. Now, clearly that isny gonny be me, so I never signed up for it. But it did get me thinking. Let's do this as a challenge myself. 60Miles is about 100k. Can I do 100k in one month - having recently crossed my first 100k barrier in 3 months. 2 nights a week with jog Scotland, plus whatever I do myself??  Let's go campo!! #60milesinAugust x


Are absolutely killing me tonight, but did the running sets, then drove for nearly six hours. Plus, I gotta take into account the weight pounding down on them at each workout set. Will keep an eye on them tomorrow. Hopefully just today they're sore and they'll be fine tomorrow

Sunday, July 22

Where am I today?

With regard to my initial aim, I am obviously on the "I've done it" step. For aim number two, to run the 5k, I would say I was between the "I can" and "I will" steps. For the third aim, I'm a bit between the "I'll try" and the "I can" steps. Purely because I genuinely don't know yet. As the cliche goes - one step at a time - and while I'm not losing any focus or indeed enthusiasm, I'm still not getting too carried away just yet. Focusing on one goal at a time is helping me achieve more. I worried that I couldn't do the race for life to start with! Stage two of the plan starts at the beginning of next month, with starting the jogging club. bring it on!

Monday, July 16

Day two of jogscotland practice

Off on holiday later today - still in UK but a few days away nevertheless.  Thought I'd get in the routine before I did - which means I only need to do it Wednesday and Friday, with the squats routine Tuesday, Thursday Saturday.    Experimented with different brekkie today - protein bar and energy gel thing.  Not sure how I found the interval thing - still about the same I reckon - still very tough, still not sure if I'll manage to keep up with the rest of the jogging crew to get to the interval stage. Going by their training it'll take 20 weeks to get to 5k stage.  If so I may need to reassess goals to make it the Santa dash that I'm ready for not October as I thought.  So I may now instead just go to Perth for the big fun run at the end of Sept rather than the semi-serious run run in Pollok Park in Oct, and try and Walk/jog that see where I am? Can't do any harm can it?  and maybe I'll see how I do at that and keep an eye on the Pollok park one.  Still hungry though - still haven't got this eating for energy stores caper sorted.  Next project!!

Saturday, July 14

Day one.

Decided to give the JS prog a go myself.  Not too bad considering.  1.25k covered,which is half the distance I'm expected to cover by the end of the 10 weeks, so not sure if that's good or bad.  Worst case scenario means I need to double my speed at everything.  Which isn't so good.  still feeling good tho.  Saturday mornings this time last year would be spent regretting the carry out I had last night and the bottle (or two) of wine.  Now?  At 9am - I've done my workout and off to meet my mum.

Let's go!!!

Friday, July 13

Plunge = Taken!

Have decided to join up with my local jogscotland group, to motivate me a little more.  It's ok padding along by yourself and geeing yourself up all the time - but I'm learning - sometimes it's ok to ask for help.  And I reckon maybe a group setting might motivate me more.  We'll see.  Anyway - Steph - here's where your job starts now buddy - training plan on the spreadsheet on the right.  Strathy Park for the odd day here and there?

Thursday, July 12

TON UP!!! :-)

100K barrier - smashed!!! absolutely delighted. the world is my oyster. I'd have laughed at you if you'd said 3 months ago when I started this that I'd do this. now? bring it on. I'm gonna try not to cry now :-) lol x

Wednesday, July 11

Non cardio day today so the squats challenge started!

200 squats challenge app downloaded to the old trusty android and off we went. Managed 20 with the training run so it made me do sets of 7 7 6 8 and 7 I think - anyway it totalled 35 plus the original 20 making 55.
 So squats current total =55 on the road to 200.  Cardio tomorrow and squats again on Friday

Tuesday, July 10

Another run along the main road

Tonight. Lamp post to lamp post. Hard hard going, felt like giving up a few times but carried on. It will get easier I have to keep telling myself that. I'll keep going with this til I can do it without any problem, then I'll start doing the up and back twice, which will mean I'm running 2.5 of the 5k, then slowly keep increasing lampposts until I can run the 5k.

Thursday, July 5

treadmill isn't doing it for me this time

so - decided to take myself out and pound the roads to "shame" me into doing it when I know there's a chance others are watching.  Now - I know that's probably a load of rubbish - amost folk will be a)sleeping or reading papers on the buses that pass me b) sleeping or ogling page 3 in the vans that pass me and c) concentrating on driving not nodding off on the way o work in the cars that pass me.  So once I got all that into my head - I only bloody well managed what I set out to do!  What a boost! Wow! lamppost to lamppost alternate jogging/walking. 2.5k all in and I "jogged" half of it. I feel bloody magic! and home before 7am!!  Not going to pretend it was a dawdle mind you - it was bloody hard.  But the bottom line is I managed it.  So now I know what I need to do.  be able to run 4 times that amount in 3 months time.  Definitely doable given how well I did scaling up the walking.  I'll try this again over the weekend (although I'm out a lot this weekend) then start it 3 times per week next week and slowly start scaling it up.  COME ON - YOU CAN DO IT!!