Monday, July 16

Day two of jogscotland practice

Off on holiday later today - still in UK but a few days away nevertheless.  Thought I'd get in the routine before I did - which means I only need to do it Wednesday and Friday, with the squats routine Tuesday, Thursday Saturday.    Experimented with different brekkie today - protein bar and energy gel thing.  Not sure how I found the interval thing - still about the same I reckon - still very tough, still not sure if I'll manage to keep up with the rest of the jogging crew to get to the interval stage. Going by their training it'll take 20 weeks to get to 5k stage.  If so I may need to reassess goals to make it the Santa dash that I'm ready for not October as I thought.  So I may now instead just go to Perth for the big fun run at the end of Sept rather than the semi-serious run run in Pollok Park in Oct, and try and Walk/jog that see where I am? Can't do any harm can it?  and maybe I'll see how I do at that and keep an eye on the Pollok park one.  Still hungry though - still haven't got this eating for energy stores caper sorted.  Next project!!

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