Saturday, August 11

End of week 1 thoughts

It's been an up and down week mentally. At times I've felt like throwing in the towel. Last night I almost walked out on the body pump too when I felt like it was going to be just me and when I felt how warm it was. And it was Friday night. But I made myself go. Because they are all just excuses really. I mean, what else would I have done? I needed to get the kitchen tidied and my washing done and bag packed for going away. So that extra hour and a half could have come in handy. But I did all that when I got home, and I got home with a lot more energy, vigour and motivation and in a lot more positive a frame of mind than I would've done if I hadn't gone.

Overall - that's I suppose representative of my week as a whole. There's been tough bits, bits where I've wanted to chuck it, highs, lows but ultimately.....? I'm glad I've done it and made it through. I'm proud of myself, but not getting carried away. I still can't do the beginners level, so I've a lot more work to do, but hey, still lapping everybody on the couch!! So - so far? Yessssss! Come on! One down, nineteen to go!

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