Thursday, August 9

Tonight was a killer

It seems I was too much for the lovely man from Tuesday night to handle as he passed on the very hefty "help get campo fit" burden to a very nice lady. But boy did she make me work hard. Harder than I thought I was capable of and yes at times I succumbed and quit a few seconds early on the running bit, but in the end up - I did more than I did on Tuesday in progressing toward the "start line" of the programme. I'll not lie to you tho - we passed several bus stops, and had I had money in my hipper - I could have been tempted to chuck it all in. There were times when I felt I could not walk never mind run another single solitary step. There were times when I felt tears welling up in my eyes. But I kept going, and that is at least something I can be proud of tonight. I DID NOT QUIT! I think however, taking me might well become "the poisoned chalice" of this club. Time will tell I guess. If I have yet another person on Tuesday, I suppose I will know.

Anyway - back to documenting my feelings on how I felt. Following the stretches, I wandered to the car cursing that it was more than a foot away from where I stood! :-) my gut feeling right then and there was that I just wasn't cut out for it. My legs were like jelly, I wasn't able to achieve the beginners standard yet again and my instructor had abandoned me. All in all, I felt quite sorry for myself (you may have gathered this already lol) however, I drove home, made my dinner, downed a gallon of water while waiting, and marveled at how remarkably not sore I felt compared to Tuesday, and how those legs that were wobbly just 1km up the road felt very steady. As it was such a lovely night I sat outside and ate my dinner and mulled over what had happened. Tonight was hot. Very hot. Remember this is Glasgow, where anything above about -2 is classed as warm (yes, even in August!) So really what happened tonight was that I did better than I've ever done before, on a very very warm uncomfortable night.

So am I going back on Tuesday? You better believe it! And I'll have fitted in 2 sessions of body pump in between it too!!

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