Tuesday, August 14

Really struggled

With my head last night. Could not be bothered going to body pump as had a rotten day at work, shit journey home and had some other stuff to do too. With little encouragement I would have quite happily sacked the body pump and heading to do other things instead. However, they will still be there when I'm built like a Greek goddess instead of rivalling the Parthenon for acreage.

However - again I fought this wee inner demon trying to derail me and made myself go. And again, I was so glad I did. I did some extra weight at my strongest part - the arms - and kept the same for the rest. I achieved more in the legs dept in terms of squats and lunges and I felt boosted by the fact that our permanent instructor was back. Having only went back to the body pump last week, I didn't know her as she was off. However, it transpires that she is an extremely "normal" person. By that I mean she's not a superfit young lassie who's idea of overweight is doubling up on the lettuce leaves lol. She seems to have been a person who has an idea of weight issues and the mental struggles that they bring. I have to assume from her advice that she has been there too.

So bring on tonight with jog Scotland. Let's get this phase one level NAILED!!

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