Saturday, August 18

Week two ends....

And overall - I'm very pleased.  Managed all four classes on both weeks.  Feeling fab and very energetic.  I'm even clearing out my wardrobes on a saturday and sunday, with enthusiasm now!!  Unheard of lol.  Slight knee pain between Thursday and Friday, but it's all fine today, so fingers crossed it's just been that it's not used to this kind of impact exercise.  2 down, 18 to go!!  Have also seen there's a 5K in Edinbrgh on 2nd December - which is my birthday.  Given that it was photos from that day LAST year that kick started all this, it seems like an apt one to be aiming to try and run.  So that's going to be my new target.  Similar to the old one of "run a 5K before Christmas" it'll now be "run the 5K in Edinburgh on 2/12"

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