Monday, December 24

It's that mental barrier again - amazing!

It's amazing how just getting over one single mental barrier gives you hope?  So for almost 3 weeks I just could not get over that 2.5 min barrier.  Then I eventually managed the 2x2.5s last week (twice ;-) )

So this week's task is 5w, 2j, 2w, 3j, 5w.  So there's another big jump - THREE MINUTES.  I was up early this morning so decided - let's do this - let's get it over and done with and then I'll know where I am.  So off I went at a nice wee trot when the first running bit beeped.  2 minutes, no problem.  But I knew I could do that, so no credit for myself just yet lol.  2w and I turned to head back as the HIIT programme beep, beep, beeped at me to start running for 3.  What were you all worried about??  Eh??  lol  I managed the three minutes with few issues to be absolutely honest, and even had enough energy at the end to jump and punch the air as if I'd just scored the winning goal for Scotland in a world cup final........ ok so that might be a LITTLE far fetched ;-)  However - same again tomorrow morning (dependent on how the head is after tonight) again on Thursday and Saturday, and then Monday I can move on to next week's task.  No idea what that is yet, I just want to concentrate on getting this 2 min/3min down pat first.

See you all tomorrow xx

Monday, December 17

Week 10. Well week 20 actually.

Looking back to when i first set out on this path, i can scarcely believe how far I've come. I'm running for crying out loud - RUNNING I TELLS YA!

Now, bad weather, and a week's holiday have me a couple of weeks behind everyone else, which bothers me ever so slightly.  But not that much ;-) Because, for the first time probably since I started, I'm not going to be hard on myself,  I'm not going to say I've failed and I'm definitely NOT going to say I feel disappointed.  Well, how can I really, honestly say I'm disappointed in myself? 

In August when i started this, about ten seconds was my limit.  Now I'm getting down on myself because i can't quite push myself to do 2 and a half minutes. Twice.  In the one 20 minute session lol!!

I'll get there, I know I will. Just like I've got there with every other hurdle I've faced so far.  It might  be this week, it might not be. But one thing is absolutely certain. If it's not this week, it'll not be for the lack of effort.

The goal for some time in 2013 is to get a 5k under my belt. Whenever that happens to be. After that? Well who knows? Because I know I can do anything I want to now.

Have a great Christmas everyone - I'm planning on catching up on some of what I've missed on the plan, so no weeks off for me. But that's something I'm perfectly happy with - and ssshhh don't tell anyone, but I'm quite looking forward to it!

Monday, December 10

Lamp posts yesterday afternoon

1.9k alternate jogging and walking between lamp posts. But that's not even close to being the full story. Because in the morning, i did a 5k.

Yes, i did say i did a 5k and yes i did do the 1.9k in the afternoon. Why? Well, in my life in the past 2 years, I've had to face my biggest fear, as i got up to go to the toilet during the night to find a snake in my bathroom. In exotic, sub tropical err Glasgow. On Sunday i was forced to face another, if not fear, then certainly a harsh reality of being a "fat burd trying to run." And that is finishing last while the organisers tap their feet and gather up the cones as you pass them on your trek in.  Similar to a snake in the bathroom - this is something that has always been in the back of my mind might happen, but in reality both are highly unlikely to do so.

Well, now I've experienced both scenarios, and at the time of their occurrences, i am genuinely not sure which one made me  feel worse. Of course, in the cold light of the day after the race - the snake wins by a country mile, however, for one hour yesterday, i felt like i was the unfittest person in the world, i panicked and my plan to run went completely out the window and i walked the majority of the race.  Because literally, the stewards WERE picking up the cones as i passed them, and not only that, we also picked up stewards as we passed them. Figuratively speaking of course, but by the time finished my friend (to whom i owe a huge huge thank you, as without her presence, I'd have walked off the course as soon as it became obvious i was going to finish last) and i had our own wee entourage of half a dozen stewards, several wooden km marker posts and a dog.

I had hoped to be able to run for 10 minutes of the full 5k, and secretly i had hoped to absolutely smash that. Instead, i felt like i was in the way, with a steward clearing the path ahead of me, bawling at the early returners to keep to their left and thus (in my mind) out of my way. Suddenly, my breathing that I'd struggled so long with, and had worked so hard on, was shallow, panicky and i felt like i was out of breath just walking.

Anyway, fast forward to the end, as i genuinely could not tell you much that happened during the race, and i ran the last minute or so to the line. Annoyingly i wasn't out of breath, as I'd totally relaxed by then, and then everyone applauding as we eventually crossed the line.

I felt really embarrassed yesterday, and really disappointed at how i had reacted to the adversity thrown at me. So disappointed in fact, that when i got home i kept the trainers on and i went out and jogged the 2k road. Why? Because i could, and because it's what i felt i should have done in the race.

Today though? Well, today is a different kettle of fish. Today, i requested that my time not be put on the site, so embarrassed was I still. However, thankfully i was too late, and it was already on. Thankfully, because instead of being, as i thought, a good 20-30 minutes behind everybody else, it turns out i was behind the last but one competitor by a measly 10 minutes. Now - THAT i can live with. That news this morning only served to bring on an attack of the "if onlys"  IF ONLY, i had relaxed and ignored what was going on around me with the cone gatherers.  IF ONLY I had relaxed and jogged for the periods of time i knew i could.  And most importantly of all IF ONLY I had listened to my 7 time marathon companion Steph, who told me that all the way round the course!!!! I promise I'll pay heed to you the next time Steph, and I'm sorry for the tears and snotters on your shoulder lol.

Additionally, the support from sue and the jogScotland folk both at the end of the race and today has been absolutely top class. I really don't know where my head would have been all through this if I'm being honest without sue, Steph and my pal Emily, who appeared to have swallowed a quote book today lol. Thank you so much, i know I'm hard work, but please stick with me, i need it x and for anyone who doubts the power of social media in turning someone's life around - contact me, I'll fill you in on mine!

So, to sum up one hell of a weekend - with a full day today to think about it - I've decided i can do one of 2 things. I can let it get to me, decide I'm just not cut out to be a runner and chuck it. Or i could suck it up, get over myself and get on with it.

So......... jogScotland - please accept this as your first entry for the 2013 Santa dash and get ready for a different, stronger, fitter me to turn up. Oh aye, and don't bother bringing a clock that goes above 40 minutes, I'll not be needing it!  ;-) #famouslastwords #bravepills

Monday, December 3

Yesterday I turned 41

.... and I went out for a drink with friends, as I did last year for my 40th. However - there is where the similarities between those two days end.  My 40th was a complete watershed day for me. I had (have?) a very low self esteem. I worried that perhaps no one would come and have a drink with me. I didn't like myself very much, so why would others? 

What actually happened was a bit of a personal Epiphany, as TWENTY FIVE different people popped in at various points throughout the day. Now, if I'd had a party there may have been more, of course. However - I was expecting to go out for a few drinks with a couple of pals and thought maybe one or two more might pop in. You can see why 25 kind of blew me away a little. I've thought - all these people - some senior folk in my work even - have taken time out of their Saturday to wish me happy birthday and spend some time. I do not have the vocabulary to convey everything I felt that day

So what's happened since? Well, the answers are all in my preceding blog posts, but in short,  I've thought to myself - if all these people like me, I guess there must be something in there worth liking - so let's find out what it is?

My personal twitter profile, created in 2008, has on it "inside me is a runner trying to get out." Running is something I always thought I would do at some stage. So as soon as the weather got better, around the end of March last year - I started walking. At first I walked a mile. Half a mile from my house and back. And it almost killed me. However, I stuck with it - and after walking the race for life in June, I joined jog Scotland and from then I've become a new person. I'm struggling badly at the moment, physically, mentally and culinary,  but I WILL get through it, I WILL manage it.

What will my blog post for my 42nd birthday be about? I really cannot wait to find out!! x

Saturday, November 17

Week 5

From a minute to a minute and I half last week, this week saw a move from and minute and a half to two minutes. Never in a month of Sundays will I be able to run for 2 minutes. I thought. So worried about it was I, that before my first "public" attempt at it at the club on Tuesday I had a go on Monday. Got myself out of the "I can't" mindset, by trying to just chill, relax and take it easy. Out I went for the 5 warm up walk. Then a light trot really for the one minute, making sure I was very aware of letting everything sort of hang loose and just breathe naturally. That went fine, breathing back to normal and during the minute walk mentally prepared myself for yet another perceived barrier. Again - off I trotted, very relaxed, very easy pace and just tried not to think about what I was doing and how long the time was.... listening to the music and waiting fo........... bloody hell - there's the beep to indicate the end! Wow, incredible - totally surprised myself there! Walked for 2 then a further minute jog and the 5 warm down, which was about 8 back to my starting point. Bit flabbergasted there, thoroughly enjoyed it and absolutely delighted with myself. Tuesday night out with the club was very similar - just chill, relax and almost just let it happen - let your body do the running, not your mind?   Then came Thursday!!! lol - oh my God did that two minutes hit me like a truck?! It felt like about 142 minutes ;-) but again - I have to remember the positives - if you'd said to me at the start of this block, just 4 short weeks ago I'd be running for 12 minutes in total by this week, I'd be looking up the number for those nice young men in their lovely white coats to come and get you.  So, another big step forward, and another step toward my ultimate aim. Well I say that like I actually have an ultimate aim :-) at the moment - I'm just going one step at a time. Which kind of helps for this running caper!!  Sayonara x

Friday, November 9

Task for the weekend

Is to update the spreadsheet which is now hopelessly out of date! Finger out Camp!

Thursday, November 8

The end of week 4

Mixed week really, found the programme really tough going indeed, but the most I'd ever done in one session before though, was a minute. This week the jog/walk timings were 1,1.5 and 1 again. Effectively doubling what I'd ever done before? However, with a lot of huffing and puffing, and at times probably feeling I would be able to walk quicker than I was hirpling along at, in the end up, I managed it. I Think that's about all that can be said about it. I never smashed it, I never aced it, I never once felt "this is shooty in." But, the bottom line for me right now, is that I did it, I managed it and I can type that with a wee sense of satisfaction.

To infinity and beyooooond!!!!!!  as if I've not had enough sci-fi nonsense this week.......  ;-)

Tuesday, November 6

Very difficult tonight

1.5 min for the first time, plus 2x1 minutes as well with the reciprocal amounts of walking in between too. I felt at times like it was never going to end - but it did, and even though I was fair peched at the end, I did it. I'll get there, I know I Will. More nice compliments from folk at work today too - this also helps to keep me going. I'm very much an "under the radar" girl, but it's still nice when folk say that to you

Sunday, November 4

Sunday morning

Up with the lark..... oh how I wish I could be honest and say that at 8am Daniel Boone was reverberating around my head telling me it was a beautiful day. Instead I had mother nature telling me in her own inimitable way that I wasn't built for running. Still, mankind trumps mother nature at some things and a couple of vit c and oil of evening primrose tablets with a half litre of water off I went. I basically just did the jog Scotland programme again. Thanks to T-Mobile through my loyalty to them I now have a spare phone that I can use purely for exercise. So I started my podcast playing, started endomondo and started the hiit trainer set to let me know when each new period started and went and did it.

Again, another barrier overcome, a sniffly nose, a stomach issue and of course, the inbuilt lazyitis that's afflicted me for years didn't stop me doing my bit. 5 weeks today to the Christmas cracker. How much of it Will I be able to run?

Now how does that song go again? Oh yeah......  hey hey hey it's a beautiful day!

Thursday, November 1

So, tonight sees the end of week three

well I think it's week three.  It might be week four, I'm not too sure

That makes 13 weeks in total which is yet another milestone, being a full quarter of a year that I have went out "jogging" for at least 2 nights per week.  Off tomorrow too - so might be able to get out again tomorrow during the day and build it up a wee bit more.

Come sunday it'll be 5 weeks to the jogScotland Christmas Cracker, at which the challenge is twofold.  Firstly, for the first time, I'd like to be able to run for some of it.  And, if doing so allows me to beat the 63 minute time from June, then that's great.  The major incentive just now though, is to get to the stage where I am able to run for the full 5k distance.  Obviously this is not going to be possible at this event, but it will be interesting to see just how much of it I am able to run.   Timings can come at a later stage.

Tuesday, October 30

Aye the nights are fair drawin in!

So last night was the first night after the clocks went back, and the start of the period I hate most in the year. For the time I'm NOT at my work it's dark. And even some of the time I'm at my work..... it's dark. It's not a great time of year! 

Obviously it's also too dark then for me to be out wandering or attempting to jog on my tod, so I plan also on doing some swimming on my nights on my own. But last night I decided to just go to the gym and do my programme. This is week 3 of block 2, with the ultimate aim of walking/jogging/walking for 5 minutes each time. 

So, off I went - and did something I never felt capable of doing in the past, running, or at least attempting to run, in a gym, with all the "beautiful people" I did get a few looks - but I'm certain that was only due to my dayglo trainers that they were all very jealous of! I've posted a pic of my glow in the dark "Halloween" costume. 

Onwards and upwards - another so called reason for not exercising banished? What's your next excuse Campo?? ;-)

Monday, October 22

Tough mudder.....

Inadvertantly managed a trial run for this race at the weekend.  Set off for a nice walk around a friend's housing estate, with Muttley in tow.  Aforesaid Muttley seemed to require some urgent bodily function, so we decided to head off-road slightly to allow him to do so.  A few steps into the off road adventure, alarm bells began to ring, but at the top of the hill it looked a lot less wet and muddy so we decided to continue.  Anyway........ it errr wasn't :D  So we ended up trudging for a total of 5k in 63 minutes, more than half of which (time wise anyway it felt) was trudging through muck, and hanging on to (barbed wire) fences and pulling ourselves out of the muck.  63 minutes is an interesting time actually - being, as it was - the one and only official "race" time for me in a 5K (race for life June2012) So that in itself represents a huge improvement?

Lessons learned from that "walk" :-)

Tip 1 - wee picturesque country lanes are not quite so picturesque in Scotland after a week of rain. 

Tip 2 - barbed wire fences are jaggy! 

Tip 3 - trainers have a limited shelf life for partaking in aforementioned activity. And finally, 

Tip 4 - a Jack Russell loves running about in the muck. He's not so sure about the bath at the end of it tho!! ;-)

It's all worth it in the end tho - and I promise - the hill was much much bigger than this...... honest!

Tuesday, October 16

So...... that horse.....

Well there was neigh sign of it again last night, but tonight, well and truly saddled and riding high lol. Target was 5x30/30 jog/walk and I did 5x30 /30 and 5x30/60! I think I might pay for this tomorrow!! However - feeling great and very up for another 10 week block. Last week I was, rightly, chuffed with myself at completing the first 10 weeks. Tonight though, that's all behind me, albeit I'm still using the success as a motivator. If I've done one ten week block, I can do another one. Next stop Christmas Eve - ho ho ho! :-)

Monday, October 15

Very low today again

Not sure why. Not done any exercise since Thursday, so perhaps that. Dragged down by work, maybe, forgetting to take the iron and vitamin tablets over the weekend another possibility or maybe it's the money issue as normal at this time of the month. More probably all of the above. But I have to balance that with the thought that someone I haven't seen in ages says I'm looking brilliant and "disappearing in front of her eyes" and was really encouraging and positive with me! So let's get back on that horse and Get out for a run after work. Come on!!

Thursday, October 11

Block one done and dusted.

Never ever would have thought it possible, but there we are.  All done.  All achieved.  Feel absolutely brilliant, very chuffed with myself, and very, very grateful to Cathy, Sharon, Shirley Anne, Les, Winnie, Sam and all the other jog leaders who haven't yet had the ermmmm "pleasure" of plodding along at a snail's pace with me of a evening.  I get the impression though - as the weather gets worse over the next few months, I might have a queue waiting to take me out and get back in again within half an hour or so lol.

Seriously - bring on the next 10 weeks.  And the next 10 after that!!! ;-)  Campbellinho's up for this now :D

Tuesday, October 9

Seriously need to update the spreadsheet and the link

night one of the final week of block one over with.  One night left of the first stage. #VeryProud

Thursday, October 4

Week 9 complete

Would never have thought it possible! #amazed

Wednesday, October 3

week 9 begins...

I'll expand more on how I feel as I near another milestone, when I post next week, after (hopefully) finishing week 10. It's been a fair old journey, it's been emotional, it's been tough, it's been hard, it's been rewarding, it's been confidence building and it's been fab!!

I'm about 10 weeks away now, from my second ever 5k, and the first I'll be attempting to run parts of.  I feel different in a way.  I feel a little bit like if I'm able to run bits of this race it'll almost be a seal of approval.  Currently I feel a little bit like I'm wasting the jogScotland leaders who are going out with me time. I know that this is not the case, as I have said to them, but It's certainly not a run out for them, while at the same time it is absolutely knackering me.  I'm definitely seeing improvements though and each week I seem to be able to do more. So I feel a little bit like if I can run as much of this 5k as I can, I'll feel I belong a bit more.  The people in the club are absolutely brilliant to me and absolutely do not make feel feel like this - this is me thinking this.  I cannot praise jogscotland highly enough

Tuesday, September 25

what a difference a day makes?

Still drookit, still frezin, but slightly less knackered.  JogScotland night tonight and once again they are brilliant with me.  Felt a good bit easier tonight - maybe the lamp posts are helping.  Bring on the lamp posts!!! :D

Monday, September 24

Drookit, freezin an knackered!

So, I guess this is good?  Lamp posts tonight - 2.61K in 32 minutes. It actually felt a little bit easier - which I suppose given the weather is a good think.

Still really, really, REALLY struggling with the eating part - always feeling bloated and with a huge belly to cart about.  Still - I gess I keep going and get thru the autumn then winter.  Then we'll see what happens in the spring and summer.

Week 8 of 10 of the jog Scotland programme starts tomorrow night too - so we'll see how that goes.  Then phase two and the second 10 week block.  I guess I have to keep reminding myself how far I've come when I feel like this.

Monday, September 17

Wee walk tonight

3.5K tonight in 37 minutes, up and down hill for most of it so quite pleased with that. Again without stopping, although I guess I shouldn't really be celebrating that any more lol. #expectationsraised ;-)

Friday, September 14

So week 6 over.....

Mostly jogging and walking, no body pump at all this week, as I feel I'm struggling a wee bit with the jogging. Not much, just a wee bit more than I should be, but again I also think that might be down to eating too.  I know I'm not eating the right things, as sometimes I really feel bloated when running.  Real real problems over the last 4 weeks with the PCOS too.  That in itself is very draining, so not eating correctly will also not help it.  So anyway - this week has consisted of a walk on sunday, lamp posts on monday, jogscotland tue and thur and not very much today :D  Had a day off work, so caught up on housework/washing and then spent most of the day at my mum and dads.  Tomorrow morning, I'll either do the lamp posts, or I'll walk from the house, right round the long way past the gym and then back along the main road.  If i do the walk - I'll also do it on Sunday morning too.

Finally - I also entered another 5K this week.  The jogscotland Santa dash on 9th December.  Thought about doing one in Edinburgh on my birthday the Sunday before, but it looked a wee bit too serious for me. I'm still at the fun run stage.  With the term run being used extremely loosely lol.  Big thank you to my good pal Steph, who normally runs marathons for fun, but is coming along to run this with me and help me along.  I'll be following the jog scotland programme, whatever stage I'm at by then.  The only 2 things I want to achieve from this race however, is 1) to finish it and 2) to beat 63 minutes, my PB

Sunday, September 9

a walk today

Went for a walk.  Was tasked with going for a 20 minute walk, but thought - I'll walk right rond teh scheme because that should take me about half an hour.  I walked right round teh scheme - it's 1.5k.  And it took me........ precisely 21 minutes and 52 seconds.  Absolutely delighted.  This definitely shows it is working. Would never have said it would only have taken me 20 minutes for that.  Despite the wee mini neds following me doing the Laurel and Hardy music and saying it was an earthquake every step I took.  We c@nts couldn't have been any more than 10.

Saturday, September 8

Week 5 over!

Never booked body pump tonight, so I discovered a bit late lol, so instead I took myself off lampposting! Walked for 5 minutes warm up, then did the lampposts til the roundabout and back again. Total time 30 minutes, total distance 2.5k. Warm up/down time was obviously then 10 minutes which meant a 20 minute walk/jog time. If it was half and half, then I guess I did 10 minutes running tonight!! Result! Same again on Sunday, and body pump is definitely booked for Monday night ;-)

Thursday, September 6

What a difference a day makes!

Very down, very low tonight.  Did the same as Tuesday, but felt every single step was an almighty struggle, felt like I cold have stopped within minutes of starting, and felt like I wanted to just cry.

Why? No idea. Absolutely none. Roll on tomorrow - for it is another day

Wednesday, September 5

I love waking up on a wednesday....

Day off training today.  Night of relaxing, watching tv and generally not doing very much.  Canny beat it :D

Tuesday, September 4

Didn't realise how long it was since I'd posted..

So since the last post - week 4 has come and gone.  I've missed one night of body pump, on Friday night, due to a night out, but made everything else.  And made all targets set.  again..... it's getting boring now eh?? lol NOT!!  Really chuffed with what I'm doing.  Realise now it's going to be a much longer road than I thought, but I'm up for it.  December 2nd 5K now looking dodgy - but I'll see as I get nearer the time.

Tonight's run was 1.37K in 18 minutes.
5 min warm up then
1x 1 min jog, 25 sec walk,
2x35 sec jog with 25sec walks in between,
1x40 sec jog, 20 sec walk, and
2x35 sec jog with 25 sec walk in between and then
5 min warm down walk.

Got a new plan for the rest of the weeks - so something to aim for and I'm also planning on one of the weekend days doing the "lamp posts" outside the house.  That is 2.5k - I'll be doing the 5 minute warm up and down walks, then alternating rnning/walking between the remaining lamp posts.  Lets see how that goes.

At the weekend there, I was out - and got a few lovely comments about how great I was looking and how much weight I was losing.  That's most definitely a booster for me. Also folk at work that I haven;t seen for a wee while - a lot are saying "you look great, have you been on holiday?!"  They can't qite pt their finger on what's different about me.  Which suits me just fine, as I'm very much an "under the radar" type girl.  Even my own family were stunned when I showed them my "before and after" photo on my twitter account.  Because they are seeing me every day, they were obviously aware of my body shape changing, but were astounded at photographic evidence of the difference.  It's all good so far.  I really, really hope I can keep this going this time, although I really do think I will somehow ;-)

Will keep it low key all the way though

Saturday, August 25

Week 3 of this 20 week block

........ dusted!!  All four nights done again and feeling awesome. Bring on week 4. I wish there was a fast forward button to take me to week 20 mind you, because I'm dying to see what I look like then!! I see progress in my appearance and I feel progress in my clothing. Still not weighed myself yet, and have no intentions of, but I also think it's fair to say that I've lost a wee bit. Happy happy happy x

Thursday, August 23

The power of Freddie!!

Really didn't feel like this tonight at all - struggling for motivation big time, but I've been feeling awful lethargic all week. So anyway - off I went and to accompany my short drive I decided to blast "don't stop me now" and belt it out at the top of my lungs to get them going lol. It seemed to work - off we went with a different jog leader tonight. We did the 5 minute warm up then 8x30 jog/walks, followed by a alternate lamppost walk/jogging and a wee light wander to finish. Suffice to say when Freddie started again on the journey home, he got a wee wry smile ;-) Steph - I'm nicking your anthem, is that all right? X

Tuesday, August 21

Week 3

Worked it at body pump last night - tried to hammer the squats and lunges as my legs really aren't strong enough for this running. I feel it getting harder and harder and harder. Tonight's running was 6x30 sec pairs but a few uphills. It's difficult to explain how I feel this week - yesterday I felt grouchy and grumpy, today I feel a little spaced out and not able to concentrate on anything. Feeling a little low over doing less than Thursday, but a little more upbeat that a lot of it was uphill. This is a funny week :-/

Saturday, August 18

Week two ends....

And overall - I'm very pleased.  Managed all four classes on both weeks.  Feeling fab and very energetic.  I'm even clearing out my wardrobes on a saturday and sunday, with enthusiasm now!!  Unheard of lol.  Slight knee pain between Thursday and Friday, but it's all fine today, so fingers crossed it's just been that it's not used to this kind of impact exercise.  2 down, 18 to go!!  Have also seen there's a 5K in Edinbrgh on 2nd December - which is my birthday.  Given that it was photos from that day LAST year that kick started all this, it seems like an apt one to be aiming to try and run.  So that's going to be my new target.  Similar to the old one of "run a 5K before Christmas" it'll now be "run the 5K in Edinburgh on 2/12"

Thursday, August 16

another day another target aced!!

;-)  Yes!!!  What a difference taking it down from 10 reps to 8 reps.  Yes it's less, obviously - I know that.  But what a difference it made on Tuesday actually MANAGING what I set out to do!  The first week was a wee bit soul destroying knowing that I wasn't getting anywhere near the target and thinking just how much of a mountain I had to climb.  But lowering it very slightly to 8x25/30 jogging/walking was a masterstroke - thank you Cath!! So tonight I went there more buoyed up at managing it so much so that I did 8x30/30 jogging tonight with the 8th one actually being a FULL MINUTE!! Yessssssssss!  Just brilliant.  I'm so chuffed.  A big thank you to Sharon and Cath for sticking with me.  One day you'll get to read this - and you'll realise just how big a part you played in this for taking the time to do something which must be as hard for yo to slow down to as it is for me to make it up to.  I really appreciate it girls xx

Tuesday, August 14


At last!  Well, sort of.  Third night at the jogging and third different person to take me lol.  Poisoned chalice indeed.  However - I just have to get on with it and do my best for every single one.  Tonight I was set the task of 8x25 secs running and 8x30 secs walking, with the 5 mins warm up and down and I DID it!!!  I'm so chuffed that I actually achieved something I was set instead of continually failing.  What a boost, what a buzz!!

Really struggled

With my head last night. Could not be bothered going to body pump as had a rotten day at work, shit journey home and had some other stuff to do too. With little encouragement I would have quite happily sacked the body pump and heading to do other things instead. However, they will still be there when I'm built like a Greek goddess instead of rivalling the Parthenon for acreage.

However - again I fought this wee inner demon trying to derail me and made myself go. And again, I was so glad I did. I did some extra weight at my strongest part - the arms - and kept the same for the rest. I achieved more in the legs dept in terms of squats and lunges and I felt boosted by the fact that our permanent instructor was back. Having only went back to the body pump last week, I didn't know her as she was off. However, it transpires that she is an extremely "normal" person. By that I mean she's not a superfit young lassie who's idea of overweight is doubling up on the lettuce leaves lol. She seems to have been a person who has an idea of weight issues and the mental struggles that they bring. I have to assume from her advice that she has been there too.

So bring on tonight with jog Scotland. Let's get this phase one level NAILED!!

Saturday, August 11

End of week 1 thoughts

It's been an up and down week mentally. At times I've felt like throwing in the towel. Last night I almost walked out on the body pump too when I felt like it was going to be just me and when I felt how warm it was. And it was Friday night. But I made myself go. Because they are all just excuses really. I mean, what else would I have done? I needed to get the kitchen tidied and my washing done and bag packed for going away. So that extra hour and a half could have come in handy. But I did all that when I got home, and I got home with a lot more energy, vigour and motivation and in a lot more positive a frame of mind than I would've done if I hadn't gone.

Overall - that's I suppose representative of my week as a whole. There's been tough bits, bits where I've wanted to chuck it, highs, lows but ultimately.....? I'm glad I've done it and made it through. I'm proud of myself, but not getting carried away. I still can't do the beginners level, so I've a lot more work to do, but hey, still lapping everybody on the couch!! So - so far? Yessssss! Come on! One down, nineteen to go!

Thursday, August 9

Tonight was a killer

It seems I was too much for the lovely man from Tuesday night to handle as he passed on the very hefty "help get campo fit" burden to a very nice lady. But boy did she make me work hard. Harder than I thought I was capable of and yes at times I succumbed and quit a few seconds early on the running bit, but in the end up - I did more than I did on Tuesday in progressing toward the "start line" of the programme. I'll not lie to you tho - we passed several bus stops, and had I had money in my hipper - I could have been tempted to chuck it all in. There were times when I felt I could not walk never mind run another single solitary step. There were times when I felt tears welling up in my eyes. But I kept going, and that is at least something I can be proud of tonight. I DID NOT QUIT! I think however, taking me might well become "the poisoned chalice" of this club. Time will tell I guess. If I have yet another person on Tuesday, I suppose I will know.

Anyway - back to documenting my feelings on how I felt. Following the stretches, I wandered to the car cursing that it was more than a foot away from where I stood! :-) my gut feeling right then and there was that I just wasn't cut out for it. My legs were like jelly, I wasn't able to achieve the beginners standard yet again and my instructor had abandoned me. All in all, I felt quite sorry for myself (you may have gathered this already lol) however, I drove home, made my dinner, downed a gallon of water while waiting, and marveled at how remarkably not sore I felt compared to Tuesday, and how those legs that were wobbly just 1km up the road felt very steady. As it was such a lovely night I sat outside and ate my dinner and mulled over what had happened. Tonight was hot. Very hot. Remember this is Glasgow, where anything above about -2 is classed as warm (yes, even in August!) So really what happened tonight was that I did better than I've ever done before, on a very very warm uncomfortable night.

So am I going back on Tuesday? You better believe it! And I'll have fitted in 2 sessions of body pump in between it too!!

Wednesday, August 8

A few more thoughts...

since I cannot sleep. At no point through this entire journey have I weighed myself. Nor do I have any invention to. I can clearly see and feel the difference, the people to whom I am closest and who know about this, tell me THEY can see a difference and most importantly I feel great. Now, cynics among you may say that close family and friends are "only saying that" to encourage me, when actually they don't see a difference. This is a thought that has definitely crossed my mind on more than one occasion also. However - the fact that today my favourite top looked like it was falling off me (sniff, sob), together with the fact that the people who are telling me this, I would 100% trust not to lie to me. Particularly not on this as they know how much it's meaning to me to do this. In fact, I said to one of those people earlier tonight - I can now see myself, in my mind's eye, crossing a finishing line somewhere, sometime with the tears tripping me. She says I'm weird, but apparently this is a good thing. I'll trust her on this, she runs marathons!! 

Second thing to note in this. I am NOT on a diet. I am a big girl now and I can eat what I want lol. Diets do not work, they are completely designed to make the company promoting it money and I also believe in some cases that they may be unhealthy. For years I have endured the "should you be having that if you're on a diet" jibes from the "tearoom police" This is another reason why I have kept this whole thing to myself. My menu consists, on the whole, of what it always has. I just now have some things in more quantity and some in less. For instance, my day generally will be cereal, sandwiches, dinner of some description. That's what it's always looked like. Difference now is that I have more fruit in between these meals, I have more rice, fewer chips (not that chips was a big vice of mine) more veg, fewer carry outs. But nothing at all is "not allowed" because by far the biggest difference now is in my having a hugely positive mindset rather than a hugely negative one. No more phrases like the aforementioned "not allowed" "I can't have that" "I shouldn't" "no thanks I'm being good" or any other such nonsense. Instead if I feel like having chocolate, or a Chinese, or a kebab, or a cooked breakfast, or a night or two (or three lol) out on the razz. I'll have it! Why shouldn't I? I can still achieve what I want to achieve by having these things occasionally. What I'm finding since I started this is that the more progress I see, the less I'm CHOOSING to eat this type of thing. Because that I think is the key word here - "choice". This whole thing and this whole life, well, it's mine, nobody else's. That makes it MY choice. And I'm choosing the road to the hairy Haggis :-) it's a tough road at times, but the upside far outweighs the down side.  And nobody said it was going to be an easy ride.

Putting my soapbox away to try for some sleep now ;-)

Tuesday, August 7

First night of jogscotland

Well - I did it.  I was right to panic a wee bit though lol, the 30 second runs were out of my reach, so we went for 10x20 second jogs and 10x40 seconds walking to start with, and we'll do the same again on Thursday.  I am the sole member of the "Beginners1" group so I have my own personal jog leader, which is actually great.  He's a really lovely man.  Really encouraging and very knowledgeable about what he was doing.  Very helpful indeed.  Back on Thursday for the same again and I'm back now, to being totally up for it again. however - I now have sore bits in places I never even knew existed, so I guess I must be doing something right!! Anyway - week one of twenty is now officially half way through, and I'm bloody knackered but happy!! :D

Nervous nervous nervous

ok, am really really nervy tonight ready to start this jogging programme.  It's been one thing plugging away at this myself, but it's another to be going out with other people who are miles miles fitter than me. I'll be keeping them back, and I'll be slowest and last at everything.  They said if needs be I can have one jog leader with me alone, but that's going to be embarrassing.  I'm actually on the verge of NOT going here, but I will.  I'm starting to have the "heavy breathing" panic attack type stuff, but I have to control that now and settle myself.  I'll just need to keep repeating my new mantra - "no matter how slow you are going, you're still lapping everyone on the couch"

Monday, August 6

Back to the body pump tonight

For the first time in over 3 years! OH MY GOD!! I used to warm up and warm down with 2kg weights on each side and do the heavier parts with 5 and sometimes 7 on each side. Tonight, I was later in, so there were only 2.5kg weights left, so I put them on. My word did I struggle with them!!  However - this gives me more motivation to keep going and to succeed at this. if I manage to do the logging twice a week and the body pump twice a week, what a difference this will make to me! #20weeks Then a wee rest over Christmas followed by a further #20weeks leading up to the hairy Haggis. More motivated than ever now - let's keep this going campo, I CAN do this!!! X

20 weeks til Christmas!

Jingle bells and all that! How I know this is because my 20 week programme that starts today finishes the Christmas week. Starts tonight with the body pump - can't wait!! :-)

Friday, August 3

Oh Yeah - tonight's walking

Was 3k up to the gym and back. Still loaded with the cold, so took it easy - 40minute return journey. Also in addition to the jogging for the next 20 weeks I'll be returning to the body pump classes I used to love. Definitely one night a week, Mondays, but will Also be trying to go to as many of the Friday night classes too. Twice a week jogging and twice a week body pump?? Jings, I'll soon hae another west side story chant "I feel pretty, oh so pretty.... " lol aye OK - let's no get carried away here Campo, it's exercise no plastic bloody surgery. Ta ta the noo!! X

Tonight, tonight -

It all began tonight.... a line from my favourite ever musical, and tonight my next stage has begun. Signed up for the jog Scotland programme, God help them, they are going to need patience the like of which they have never thought possible. So from Tuesday, each Tues and Thurs I will do their programme, the first part of which ends at Christmas. By then running the 5k should be in the bag (she said confidently!!) Then from January - a further 20 weeks and the hairy Haggis shall be mine!! Ooh errr missus! BRING. IT. ON!

Tuesday, July 31

saw a challenge on jog Scotland earlier

60miles in August. Now - this was a challenge to see who could clock up 60miles first. Now, clearly that isny gonny be me, so I never signed up for it. But it did get me thinking. Let's do this as a challenge myself. 60Miles is about 100k. Can I do 100k in one month - having recently crossed my first 100k barrier in 3 months. 2 nights a week with jog Scotland, plus whatever I do myself??  Let's go campo!! #60milesinAugust x


Are absolutely killing me tonight, but did the running sets, then drove for nearly six hours. Plus, I gotta take into account the weight pounding down on them at each workout set. Will keep an eye on them tomorrow. Hopefully just today they're sore and they'll be fine tomorrow

Sunday, July 22

Where am I today?

With regard to my initial aim, I am obviously on the "I've done it" step. For aim number two, to run the 5k, I would say I was between the "I can" and "I will" steps. For the third aim, I'm a bit between the "I'll try" and the "I can" steps. Purely because I genuinely don't know yet. As the cliche goes - one step at a time - and while I'm not losing any focus or indeed enthusiasm, I'm still not getting too carried away just yet. Focusing on one goal at a time is helping me achieve more. I worried that I couldn't do the race for life to start with! Stage two of the plan starts at the beginning of next month, with starting the jogging club. bring it on!

Monday, July 16

Day two of jogscotland practice

Off on holiday later today - still in UK but a few days away nevertheless.  Thought I'd get in the routine before I did - which means I only need to do it Wednesday and Friday, with the squats routine Tuesday, Thursday Saturday.    Experimented with different brekkie today - protein bar and energy gel thing.  Not sure how I found the interval thing - still about the same I reckon - still very tough, still not sure if I'll manage to keep up with the rest of the jogging crew to get to the interval stage. Going by their training it'll take 20 weeks to get to 5k stage.  If so I may need to reassess goals to make it the Santa dash that I'm ready for not October as I thought.  So I may now instead just go to Perth for the big fun run at the end of Sept rather than the semi-serious run run in Pollok Park in Oct, and try and Walk/jog that see where I am? Can't do any harm can it?  and maybe I'll see how I do at that and keep an eye on the Pollok park one.  Still hungry though - still haven't got this eating for energy stores caper sorted.  Next project!!

Saturday, July 14

Day one.

Decided to give the JS prog a go myself.  Not too bad considering.  1.25k covered,which is half the distance I'm expected to cover by the end of the 10 weeks, so not sure if that's good or bad.  Worst case scenario means I need to double my speed at everything.  Which isn't so good.  still feeling good tho.  Saturday mornings this time last year would be spent regretting the carry out I had last night and the bottle (or two) of wine.  Now?  At 9am - I've done my workout and off to meet my mum.

Let's go!!!

Friday, July 13

Plunge = Taken!

Have decided to join up with my local jogscotland group, to motivate me a little more.  It's ok padding along by yourself and geeing yourself up all the time - but I'm learning - sometimes it's ok to ask for help.  And I reckon maybe a group setting might motivate me more.  We'll see.  Anyway - Steph - here's where your job starts now buddy - training plan on the spreadsheet on the right.  Strathy Park for the odd day here and there?

Thursday, July 12

TON UP!!! :-)

100K barrier - smashed!!! absolutely delighted. the world is my oyster. I'd have laughed at you if you'd said 3 months ago when I started this that I'd do this. now? bring it on. I'm gonna try not to cry now :-) lol x

Wednesday, July 11

Non cardio day today so the squats challenge started!

200 squats challenge app downloaded to the old trusty android and off we went. Managed 20 with the training run so it made me do sets of 7 7 6 8 and 7 I think - anyway it totalled 35 plus the original 20 making 55.
 So squats current total =55 on the road to 200.  Cardio tomorrow and squats again on Friday

Tuesday, July 10

Another run along the main road

Tonight. Lamp post to lamp post. Hard hard going, felt like giving up a few times but carried on. It will get easier I have to keep telling myself that. I'll keep going with this til I can do it without any problem, then I'll start doing the up and back twice, which will mean I'm running 2.5 of the 5k, then slowly keep increasing lampposts until I can run the 5k.

Thursday, July 5

treadmill isn't doing it for me this time

so - decided to take myself out and pound the roads to "shame" me into doing it when I know there's a chance others are watching.  Now - I know that's probably a load of rubbish - amost folk will be a)sleeping or reading papers on the buses that pass me b) sleeping or ogling page 3 in the vans that pass me and c) concentrating on driving not nodding off on the way o work in the cars that pass me.  So once I got all that into my head - I only bloody well managed what I set out to do!  What a boost! Wow! lamppost to lamppost alternate jogging/walking. 2.5k all in and I "jogged" half of it. I feel bloody magic! and home before 7am!!  Not going to pretend it was a dawdle mind you - it was bloody hard.  But the bottom line is I managed it.  So now I know what I need to do.  be able to run 4 times that amount in 3 months time.  Definitely doable given how well I did scaling up the walking.  I'll try this again over the weekend (although I'm out a lot this weekend) then start it 3 times per week next week and slowly start scaling it up.  COME ON - YOU CAN DO IT!!

Saturday, June 30

Must do better!

Well that wasn't very good - I gave up with the running 3 quarters of the way thru. Instead of 8 interval sets, I managed 5 and walked the rest. Stopped at 2.5k. However, not too downbeat as I've done nothing for the best part of a month due to my back injury. At least I know what I need to do now. Twice as much as I've just done!! lol and that's just to get to week one level  - eek - what a thought. but I can do it - I am capable of it. Some weights in the work gym to strengthen my legs on the non cardio days is what's in order I think! Still bring it on!!! X

Thursday, June 28

Back tomorrow!

Had an enforced lay off for past 3 weeks as had back injury. All better now so back in the race. Now that the first goal has been achieved I have 2 new ones. Firstly, by about October - RUN a 5k and secondly by the end of may 2013 - run 5 MILES in a decent enough time to not let my team mates down in the hairy Haggis relay at the Edinburgh Marathon. Treadmill delivered tomorrow or Saturday and interval training starts. Bring it on!!!!

Sunday, June 3

The BIG day

Really really nervous today, petrified of either not finishing, or finishing last.  Left ridiculously early parked, panicked for an hour or so before it, stood at the start line far too long and panicked some more

Finally started then had to control the urge to start racing people, and just keep to my own pace.  All was going well, kept my head down and concentrated on no one or nothing around me, just kept going and kept time by my music.  Then I made the mistake of lifting my head and paying attention to what was going on, I had thought due to where we were on the course we were nearing the end.  Sadly when I looked up I saw the 3k flag.  I thought we were further in.  Knuckled down again and finally turned into the park again.  So then I thought, right, that must mean we're near the end and lifted my head again.  Similar mistake as I saw the 4k flag!  Damn, still another K to go!  Back on with the music and down with the head again, then finally the finishing line appeared.  Round the corner and  a wee hill and that was me, I had done it! Was a very emotional moment indeed, I surprised myself.  Delighted to collect my wee medal.  It's not exactly an Olympic gold, but it means  a lot to me.  Sore feet aside, I'm ecstatic.  And thank you Emily for freezing yer icicles off to stay with me xx

So....... is this the end of the blog?  Or is it just the beginning of the next chapter now??

Week home from holidays

Day after I came home I walked 2.5k early in the morning, then in Edinburgh for the marathon I did around 3k wandering around the park area waiting on my pal finishing.

Monday, May 28

Holiday for a week in Spain

Been on holiday so fewer walks etc.  Also managed to lose my phone on holiday, but stuff stored on runkeeper, so will be able to calculate walks.

Went out twice and did 2.5k walks.  Very very very VERY warm though and couldn't really well cope with it.  So 5k there, plus each night was a 0.9k walk to the pub and a 0.9k walk back again.  So over 7 nights that is 6.3k.  Came back on the friday night and went round my local loch on saturday morning.  Really struggled very much to go round once, never mind twice, but it was very warm again.  Saturday was Edinburgh and a bit of walking around at the marathon on the Sunday.  That was very very inspirational as the weather was horrendously warm, they are running 26 miles and I'm greeting about WALKING a mere 5k??

Back to work tomorrow and will do a 5k tomorrow night, then a 5k on Thursday and Friday nights, then the race itself on Sunday.  Nervous as hell. Panicking that I won't do it.  The weather is meant to be much worse next weekend, which suits me just fine, the cooler the better for a fat frump like me :-) Tomorrow will tell me a lot.  After the walk on Sunday, next target I think is to RUN a 5k, so it'll be back to the treadmill again for the interval training.

Tuesday, May 15

A birthday

Family birthday tonight - so out for a carvery meal, but walked along to my pal's house after it. It's a fairly gentle walk, except for a chunk of t which is uphill that nearly killed me lol.  Ok so a tad hyperbolic, but that's what it felt like at times - however - I did it without stopping despite feeling like doing so many times. Here's what I posted to runkeeper

wow. that was hard, moodiesburn to muirhead. a lot of it uphill. did it without stopping

Monday, May 14

Walk to next village

Had something to do for a pal tonight, so instead of driving, I walked it. 3.3k a lot of it uphill and.I did it without stopping. Don't get me wrong,  I felt like it, umpteen times, but I carried on. Augurs well for the race day, wee change from lapping the loch too, albeit not 5k. Total now stands at 62k in total. I'm well chuffed :-) x

Saturday, May 12

Another 5k this morning

Think I'm going to change from runkeeper, I'm not sure it's tracking the distance properly. Might go for map my run and see if it's any better. As for me, today, I feel great. This time next week I'll be on my holidays so I'll be trying to do a wee bit of walking while I'm away, as I know I can use runkeeper. Meantime - before I go in 6 days time - the target is 3 more 5ks.

Thursday, May 10

Walking with mother

Tonight, so only once around the loch, she wouldn't manage twice around. Twice tomorrow night for me tho, and again on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Then nothing til Tuesday and again on Thursday, then it's my holiday. am intending to be doing some walking over there to keep me going. Only a week between my return and the race. Am starting to get really really nervy! :-)

Monday, May 7

Same as Saturday again today

Except it seems that this time it was 6.24k in 1.10.  Same course, same time, 1.25k more? Something's wrong somewhere! I guess I'll do it again in another 2 days time and see what happens then. However - in the meantime, bring it on!! :-) :-) :-) x

Saturday, May 5

My first 5k!

In a time of 1.09 absolutely ecstatic!! And all before 10am. Bloody brilliant. What a buzz and what a boost :-) :-) :-)

Friday, May 4

Another lap of the loch

2.1k round the loch again, this time with the dog - who would you believe - slowed me down lol!! Who'd have thought that when I started?  so I'm going to come back tomorrow morning early doors and do it twice. Managing that will make me feel brilliant :-) maybe I'm not as bad as I thought I was, or maybe I'm mentally stronger? Either way - I feel much better tonight x

Thursday, May 3

I fear

I am not mentally strong enough for this. I hope I am wrong. If I do manage to do this, it will give me such confidence!!

Struggled again tonight

Not sure if it's the heat just now with the heating on and warm outside, but I also know I don't know how to eat properly. I don't eat anywhere near enough, which might sound surprising for someone as overweight as I am. only did 30 minutes at 4kph :-( Anyway - treadmill goes back on Sunday, so from next week - twice round the loch 3 times a week is the target for the next 5 weeks til the race. Twice round the loch is 5k so next 4 weeks will be all about getting myself under the hour for 2 laps so I don't embarrass myself any more than I already will by finishing last! God help me!! :-(

Monday, April 30

Oh my God!

Back to it tonight - bloody hell that was hard!!!  Really really really struggled tonight - but I guess that's what I get for not doing very much other than a few short walks since last week.  34 days today - Finger out time I tink!!

Thursday, April 26

Haven't done anything this week

Not since Monday. Can't get out of the bit. Hate having to plot my way round every bloody penny. It's a nightmare. I've come too far to chuck it all in tho. I'll be back :-(

Monday, April 23

Feel great this morning

For a Monday! Hoping to start my new hours at work soon, which gives me every second Friday off, but means I need to start at 8am every other morning. On lovely sunny mornings like this it's quite easy to get up - the horrible mornings will be a tester? Was very active yesterday, so tomorrow will be very very stiff I think lol. Getting my playlist together for my 5k too, picking out some uplifting "keep me going" tunes. About an hour's worth, think it'll take me that long for the first one. Oh well.... hi hooooo :-)

Sunday, April 22

Friday and Sunday again

Rounds 2 and 3 respectively of my 45 second running routine.  Friday night and sunday morning.  If you'd said that to me a few months ago I'd have laughed at you.  Hiring the treadmill was the correct decision - it lets me run without feeling self conscious about it.  I'll pay for another 4 weeks I think - even though one of those weeks will be my holiday week.  This morning I was inspired by the London marathon runners - this time last year I was there - but waiting on someone finishing as opposed to running it lol.  Maybe one day........

Wednesday, April 18

Phase 2 of my own wee routine

.... to try and catch up with the start of the NHS programme.

Moved up to 45 seconds jogging from 30 seconds.  So now 8 x 45 seconds jogging and 8 x 1.5 minutes walking, with 5 minutes either side warm p and warm down

initial reaction??  A THINK AHM DEID!!

Sunday, April 15

Sunday evening at 8pm and....

..... instead of lounging on the couch watching NCIS - I did my treadmill half hour and feel great!

Thanks Steph for the virtual boot up the jacksie - even though you had no idea you did lol :-) xx

Saturday, April 14

50 days to go, it's Saturday and a cooked breakfast

Wee treat today. The day off day on thing is really working I have to say. Much more energy and am now running for 5 of my 26 minute regime. So 20% of my time is running. Incredible - I'd never have thought that when I started. More confident now that I can do it.

Friday the 13th :-)

And what a great day.  Made the programme - now 1.6k per half hour and feeling great.  think I'm back on track and on course to get the 5k done within the half hour.

Wednesday, April 11

So - back to it

Decided to put the "down" mood behind me and revisit the training regime.

The nhs couch to 5k is too taxing right now - and my own one is getting easier by the day.  Therefore I have met in the middle.  My own one was 2.5 mins w/u then 5x0.5 mins running and 5x1.5 mins walking, with 2.5 mins warm down, making 15 minutes in total.  The NHS one was 5 minutes warm up then 8x1 min running and 8 x 1.5 min walking, with 5 mins warm down.  SO I've went for a bit of a hybrid of

5 mins w/u
8 x 0.5 mins running
8 x 1.5 mins walking
5 mins w/d

 making 26 minutes in total.  Tried it tonight and felt magic.  Will try to do this every 2 days this week, so Tues/Thurs/ Sat/ Mon.  Then revisit it next week on Wednesday.

Monday, April 9

I can't do this

I took Saturday and Sunday off for the Easter weekend.  Never ate chocolate or anything daft like that - bt today I'm really really struggling.  The NHS couch to 5K is still too tough for me.  It's pointless demoralising myself continuing to do it.  And I also struggled to get my own wee 15 minute one done.  I must read up on eating properly - in order to get more energy.  I had a cereal bar half an hour before it, and a bowl of cereal after it.  I can't be doing this properly.  Long long LONG way to go.

A wee step backwards this weekend :(

Sunday, April 8

Day off yesterday

Few drinks with a pal, and a wee day off from the regime. Back on it today though - feeling surprisingly ok. No treadmill work I don;t think - think I'll walk over to my mum's for dinner instead. It's a hell of a walk though - up hills and it's about 4miles? Wish me luck!!

Friday, April 6


easy peasy??

Well, ok, maybe a wee touch of hyperbole, but certainly easiER, put it that way.

Just over 12 hours since I nearly killed myself doing the NHS couch to 5k first episode last night, I did my own wee one at 7:45am this morning.  It was very gentle compared to last night, and... well perhaps it was psychological, but I definitely found it slightly easier.  

I'll upload my spreadsheet to google docs and we can keep an eye on it together :-)

Thursday, April 5

ok - time to reflect

Started the NHS couch to 5k tonight.  Have I bitten off more than I can chew?

Halfway through that task I would have said yes.  Now having had time to get my breath back, and reflect on, what is after all, still under a week since I started, I have to say - no I didn't.  I CAN do this.

But it's definitely not going to be easy.  The NHS couch to 5K is 8 x 1 minute running and 8 x 1.5 minutes walking, plus 2 x 5 minutes warm up and warm down.  This is WAY, WAY more than I did on my own wee sets, so, even though I didn't manage the last minute of running, I have to be happy with progress so far.

Total distance covered today was 1.83 km in 30 minutes, with, of course - the all important SEVEN minutes of running in there.

Overall quite positive, but a little disappointed, if I'm being honest.  And also if I'm being honest, I know it's necessary disappointment too!!


So today after work

.....i'm going to be doing day one of this The NHS couch to 5k programme

This is a 9 week programme, and I have 8 and a bit weeks to the race. So I may not finish the entire programme, but it is a 20 minute programme, only meant to be done 3 times per week, so on the other days I'll continue to do my own wee 15 minute programme, and I think that should be enough to get me over the line on June 3rd.

Anyway - it's too much to hope for to be able to run the entire 5k on the day, for my first attempt........ isn't it?? 

Wednesday, April 4

Day Five in a row!

And all before 8am again!! 15 minutes done again.  Raised the walking 1.5 minutes to 3.5 this time and up to 0.9 from 0.8 (I think it's kilometres) distance.  So 5k time looking at 1hr 15 just now.  I would like to half that time by 3rd June.

However - let's not walk before we can run - metaphorically lol

Tuesday, April 3

08:16am and I'm sitting down to my cereal...

....having done the 15 minute workout.  Sometimes I felt as though I was asleep though, I was very tired this morning.  I have to say the treadmill in the house is helping, as I don't think I wold have got up, got dressed  and walked anywhere this morning, or any of the other mornings so far to be honest?

if I manage this every day until Sunday, on Sunday I'll be putting the  running bit up to a minute I think.  Maybe lol.  I'll see how I go, it's not easy for me!

Anyhow - still focussing on the positives - that's 4 mornings in a row.  I think the most I have EVER done! woooo hoooo

Monday, April 2

Wow that was hard

7:15am start this morning - but all 15 minutes of the workout done.  But that was hard going!!

Another milestone reached though - 3 days in a row of the workout.  I'm keeping it going!

Sunday, April 1

Wow - 8am!!

Who'da thunk it?  Certainly no me anyway that's for sure. 

Done my Sets workout early today as working at 9.  Feel great, if a bit knackered and confused that I'm up so early and exercised already on a Sunday lol :-)

It was hard - but I guess that's to be expected as this is the second day in a row I've done this, and that's now in total 5 minutes of jogging in two days.  Which will sound like absolutely nothing to most of you, but, believe me, is a huge achievement for me!!

Saturday, March 31

First treadmill shot!!

Devised my own couch to 5k plan to ease me in gently, based on the ones you can get online and in apps.

15 minutes total

Warm up
walk - three minutes - 2.5

Main sets routine
Jog - 30 seconds - 6.0
Walk 90 second - 3.0
Do this 5 times

Warm down
Walk - 1 minute - 2.5
Walk - 1 minute - 1.5

Total = 15 minutes

Did first shot at it today - felt really knackered after the sets part, but made it.  Felt great when I did finish it though - think that's the first time I have ran in years!!

Brilliant :-)

Rangers legends v AC Milan Glorie

Night "off" last night, in that there was no walking round the loch.  But instead of taking the car to the football, I went by public transport, which meant walking from the bus to the pub for dinner, then back up to the subway. (probably about 3/4 of a mile)  Then up and down stairs in the station, the walk from the subway into the Stadium, and up to the upper stand row T - which was a climb and a half!  Had to do this 3 times too!!  Then the whole thing back again.  So definitely not an inactive night off. Did have a couple of drinks though, but I guess that's allowed occasionally Thoroughly enjoyed not puffing and panting as per usual everywhere I walked.  Awesome!! 

Awaiting the treadmill delivery now.  Strangely - for the first time, I actually feel like I could run!!

Thursday, March 29

Decision time

So once round, again without stopping. Similar time to last night 31 minutes for 2.1k. Struggled a wee bit more tonight than last night, kept getting distracted by folk passing me and attempted to keep pace with them, thus by the time I got to the car again I was feeling it. Positives are - 2 nights in a row over 2k, sunny weather so a lot harder. Treadmill arrives Saturday so will help with stamina. 2 full months left to get to doing double this distance. Can I do it?? OF COURSE I BLOODY CAN. as pink keeps telling me on the way round -. I'm "fuckin perfect!" Second lap binned, will wash the car instead :-)

Another lovely morning

8am and just about to leave for work. Not been for any walking yet or anything, will leave that til later. Just wanted to post that I feel absolutely brilliant, and I'm sure that it's totally down to the walking.

Wednesday, March 28

My week so far

Monday 26th March, worked til half 6, then when I got home my dad was waiting for me, needing me to do something for him. Only managed 10 minutes on the vibro plate

Tuesday 27th - mum's for dinner and playing out the back with the weans. Think the walking is easier!! No figures for tonight except half an hour of football with Ryan, putting up a tent and generally mucking about!

Tonight - Wednesday. Right round the loch without stopping - felt like stopping a few times but carried on as I was determined to make it! It was the busiest it's been because it was a lovely night, but people in general are quite nasty. The joggers etc that were out in all weathers gave me a wee smile, or a nod, or a "gaun hen" but tonight with "ordinary" folk it was awful. I could see folk smirking and sniggering as I passed. But fuck them - when I do the race for life I'll be walking round the loch with my medal round my neck and my middle finger firmly extended in their direction!!  x

Friday, March 23

March 23rd

Missed 5 days, although I did some vibro plate stuff in between

Feeling very bloated and a bit down today, having felt great all along the journey so far. Today is, I guess, the first of many blips

Here's my reaction after a 2k walk in 31 minutes

fucked. that was hard. must get back tomorrow morning first thing. this is less than half the distance I need to get to for June. stopped twice. long long way to go metaphorically. but still overall positive. I can definitely do this. it's only been a fortnight :-) :-)

Carrying on from where I left off

March 18th 2012, almost 2 miles in 42 minutes

My reaction on my app again, immediately after

I did double this distance - the GPS was playing up - see previous entry. Total distance would then be 1.9 miles in 42 minutes 29 seconds

The best yet!!

Did entering the race for life spur me on?

Who knows, but tonight (16th March) I completed the furthest distance so far, 3 miles in 57.25 minutes

Here was my reaction immediately afterwards on my app :-)

missed counting a bit in the middle forgot to turn it back on after one of my many pauses!! that was 3 miles - or 5 k!!! fuck me I bloody did it. I can fucking do this in 3 months time. I can fucking do it!!!

The raison d'etre has just arrived :-)

Today I entered my local "Race for Life"

Absolutely no idea why. But I have less than 80 days to be able to be ready for it.

Can I do it? We're about to find out in a very very public way!

Activity March 13th 2012

Walked just under a mile at lunchtime in work

hard - first bit Mega uphill but bloody hell I did it! one pause on the way up. distance a lot longer than it showed - probably almost a mile - gps was playing up!

Report of activity 12/03/2012

March 12th 2012

Walked 1.46 miles in 48 minutes

Felt ok, wandered along the main road, back round the graveyard and home.

No further comments on my app

The race for MY life

So - it's time to put this all down in print, instead of just on runkeeper.

I'm 40. I'm overweight. I need to something about it.

I've tried everything. And I mean everything. Scottish Slimmers lighterlife, DietChef, the egg diet, the cabbage diet, the tuna diet, the Cambridge Diet, the GI diet, slimfast, this pill, that pill, weightwatchers, healthy eating, the gym, body pump, walking, boxing, cycling, swimming. In fact, you name it, I've had a go at it. And failed at it.

So what's different this time? I don't know. Maybe nothing. Maybe everything. But I'm documenting this to try and a) keep me sane and b) motivate me.

I'll post my thoughts I've been keeping offline as the first few posts to get me started, until I catch up with tonight's events.